Morning all!
I have decided, i want to go back to sleeping till atleast early after noon, mornings suck!! Nothing to do in them other than to watch really bad tv while avoiding uni work! lol.
As for men who touch broken things, i am usually the cause of broken things, so if its not something i know the problem of, then it stays broken until someone else can deal with it lol. I don't even do DIY as i know i am crap at it lol.
For some reason, its a week since i had my tooth butchered, and its still really sore, i was having a poke around last night when i was brushing my peggies, and found what feels like a small shard of tooth still stuck where the tooth used to be, very strange. Gonna give it a few more days, and if it isn't better will have to go back :-( Another 20-30 down the pan! Its not really painfull, just a dull throbbing some times, might just still be tender, she really did hack into it when she removed it lol.
Oh and Abz, the online gaming thing, i have done that several times before without thinking. Or rather thinking it was all timed very well, only to realise that i had missed it by a day and then subbed to another and then had it cost alot lol. Never double billed tho, you should tell him to email the game company (depending who it is / what it is) they might just give one of the payments back. Some of them have nightmare CSR teams however and are a complete joke when it comes to this stuff.
I think today i am going to do some major cleaning, my room is a tip and do the recycling for a change, my poor flatmate does it all the time, she is prolly getting a bit tired of living with just blokes now lol. I did do all the washing up last night atleast, so that might get me a gold star, or atleast a few less glares! lol.