Big Boys Need Love Too!

No no no no no! The woman DEFINATELY comes first! And yes I would advise you print out the important details for the inside so no mistakes can be made. If you are writing them and get distracted you can easily put down the wrong date or time on some of them without realising
Evening all! Mr Taz and I joined Gem and co to celebrate Mr Stone's birthday. There was ice cream, cakes and LOTS of wine! So much, in fact, that Gem left the pub still supping on the bottle!


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Good morning all :)

Yes it was a good night last night and I left the pub, not supping of the bottle as Taz says but with the bottle cos I didn't wanna drink any more - it is in the fridge with some foil over the top as I post.

I gotta say though that I was no saint last night so I'll have to be pretty dam good for the rest of the week :)

Mr Stone had a lovely birthday and has already gained 50p on his 60+ concessions. Working in Bristol, he unexpectedly finished at mid-day so went to a little place called Clevedon which has a pier that has in recent years been restored to it's former glory. At the entrance he saw the sign "Entrance £1 - Elderley (over 60) and concessions 50p" so he said to the person collecting the money "I'm 60 today" and got his first benefit. His ticket is dated and timed and says concession on it so he's keeping it with his birthday cards ha ha ha :D

I'm aching a bit around the back and middle so the swimming must have stretched something quite nicely yesterday morning. It's not a nasty ache like I used to get with the back injury - it's a nice muscular ache which will only help strengthen everything for me :)

Have a lovely day everyone :)
Good morning all. Nice one Gem I'm pleased he had a good birthday. I must get down there and get my concession. :D
Right, if anyone is looking at those naughty, naughty pictures that Taz has taken, don't be fooled.

  • In the first one you can clearly see my mate's hand moving the glass towards me and me trying to resist - see the hands over my face
  • In the second one I am drinking, but I never said I didn't
  • In the third you can actually see that I am taking the bottle home with me
I rest my case x
Ooo...... Jim - you cut me to the quick - what a thing to call me!!!!!!
The pictures say it all :D
PS, Good job Taz isn't around on a Friday night when I'm out ;)
Right, if anyone is looking at those naughty, naughty pictures that Taz has taken, don't be fooled.

  • In the first one you can clearly see my mate's hand moving the glass towards me and me trying to resist - see the hands over my face The hand over Gems face is holding CAKE!
  • In the second one I am drinking, but I never said I didn't Fair enough, can't argue that one
  • In the third you can actually see that I am taking the bottle home with me Had I been quicker with the camera the picture would have shown the bottle to Gems mouth!
I rest my case x
PMSL, nice rebuttal Taz. :D
Right, if anyone is looking at those naughty, naughty pictures that Taz has taken, don't be fooled.

  • In the first one you can clearly see my mate's hand moving the glass towards me and me trying to resist - see the hands over my face
  • In the second one I am drinking, but I never said I didn't
  • In the third you can actually see that I am taking the bottle home with me
I rest my case x

I reckon Taz and Jim are ganging up on me this morning - someone should take my side I reckon............
I reckon Taz and Jim are ganging up on me this morning - someone should take my side I reckon............

Unfortunately the camera doesn't lie!!
Yes, Yes. LOL. I can't stop laughing here.
..........but the camera can be used strategically to skew the truth - as in this case x
Sorry, I believe Taz. :D