Big Boys Need Love Too!

taz....nah mine has bigger balls than that!! Besides that isn't his thing, we like working for himself not someone else.=-)

abz...WOW so they are planning it already? Wow, well I will know more soon, tbh i just feel it would be better to have a planned section rather than the fiasco I went through last time, being left for 3 days in labour and then to end up with an emergency section. It is a lot more dangerous to do it that way rather than plan it. Besides once I know on the 8th what the deal is I will know whether to take my rasberry leaf or not and hopefully is they do leave me to just "see what happens" then I will more likely go into labour before I am 38 weeks like last time.

Abz...sorry you aren't feel too well. Are you still cding?
Anyone heard about Tyn is doing?

Taz, how's your neck these days?

Gem, how's things with your new grandbaby? I take it your daughter came through things well?

I cant wait to start dieting...I am still going to take it easy for a little while but hopefully I will only need to lose 3 stone to get back to my "before" weight.
hey hon. no, i've been doing ww, and i want to switch to sw i think before i get complacent with not losing, as i'd be eating the same sorts of things, just in a different order. and not so many rice cakes as they seem to have points in them despite only being made of rice... :)

abz xx
Hi Jen - All THREE grandsons present and correct. Eldest daughter had a bit of a hard time (as usual) with the labour and delivery but after many hours she delivered a nice big healthy baby boy. It was mid January and he's smiling now - a lovely happy little chap like the other two. Daughter continues to work too hard and is now busy setting up to breed miniature Shetland Ponies - too much work I fear! x
Morning all. I am the first again! What do we all have planned for the weekend? I have gradings today so I will be leaving here at 8.15am for the kickboxing one then will be home just after 11am. Then it's bath, a big bowl of pasta, a couple of bananas, some red bull and some chill out time (on Mini's of course!) then back to the Dojo at 12.45pm for the karate one. Hopefully I should be home just after 4pm then it's relaxing (most likely another bath too!) and nursing my poor aching muscles. Chocolate may be required by then too!
Good morning everyone :)

It's lovely here and the sun is shining - he's well and truely got his hat on today :character00238:

Taz - I had a lie in this morning so I missed the first post and the chance to wish you good luck before you left for the Dojo - it'll have to be a text :)

You've got a hard day ahead of you today so enjoy your chocolate - you'll deserve it!

Have a Sunny Saturday everyone :character00238:
good luck taz!! :D :D

i am at work today and have decided to give slimming world a go for a week and see where that gets me...

so i have at work with me an immense amount of fruit, a jacket potato, some laughing cow light, some muller lights, some noodles... and i am going to eat a combination thereof throughout the day :)

abz xx

abz xx
You crack me up Abz - all those different diets! I don't have a diet at such but with two people close to me on SW and WW I take some of the recipes and adapt them to my liking. I've nicked the chips/wedges idea from SW, while I seem to use philli-extra light cheese (WW idea) like it's going outa fashion - lovely sauce for pasta.
it's great isn't it gem? ha. i was thinking on it last night and bon is thinking of doing sw, so we could do it together, that was one factor. another is that a lot of the things i eat already as sw friendly, so not a lifestyle change. but the main thing is that it's much more difficult to eat crap on sw. on ww if i eat low point things all day then it's easier for me to get a takeaway in the evening. i'd rather not!! it's more difficult to think like this with sw so i figured i'd give it a go :)

abz xx
I don't know about that Abz but my mate is still doing WW Core and it's all about fresh healthy food with just a few points. They're not promoting that one any more but it sounds like a really sensible plan. My mate and I aren't poles apart in what we eat and it suits her as she is into healthy eating too. She is still allowed treats but in a controlled way. SW has provision for treats too. At the end of the day you have to do the thing that suits you to give you the best chance of success x
Good luck to you - I hope this is just what you need x
here's hoping gem. i want to get into the 13s dammit!! i don't want to still be here in a couple of months time desperately trying to lose the same couple of lbs!! ha.

it is a bit scary being given a list of things you can eat unlimited amounts of though. you really have to convince yourself that you aren't going to gain shedloads of weight by eating too many grapes or whatever... that's how ww was starting to make me feel...

abz xx

abz xx
Wow ladies,

Taz, I hope all went well today and so happy to hear you are strong on your road to recovery.

Gem, hehehe I am really looking forward to the little arrival. Much more than the first one,but only because I know what to expect this time around. I can't believe how fast the whole thing has come around. I have been so so very lucky in that my pelvis problem really eased off and I am 80% normal. I mean don't get me wrong, we went to makro to get some larger bits and I needed my crutches after about 30 minutes and then I had to push the basket for better stability as the crutches hurt my hands, and it knackered me out. But over all, I am in great health and loving all the "getting ready". And I am about 90% ready for Christopher to be here. His room is almost finished ( just waiting for his rug, and the the last few touches to the walls ( will take a pic and show you all his nursery). I is almost how I wanted it.

I have been so busy getting everything in order ( OCD I think) Been getting yelled out left right and centre for lifting things, but if I wait around things never will get done. I am a woman on a mission, and you all know by now I hold no punches, so people better do what I say when I say or pay the price! *LOL* Even had my MIL here for 2 weeks helping out. Yes, I know I can't believe it either. And she still lives eh? *LOL* We had one bust up over trying to put a flat packed bookcase together. I did warn her ahead of time and said " Just a warning here, OH and I NEVER put flat packed stuff together as we fight about it all and seeing as we have no instructions and this is all guessing, it could be even worse!" but she accepted it. And then kept copping and attitude with me giving me the " i know" and "I already knew that!" so in the end we realised we needed to put a certain shelf in BEFORE putting the bottom on, which she did mention in a very unsure way, but still let me continue putting on the bottom on anyway. Then when she realised tried to give me the "i told you so!" words. When I said " look well you should have said, we definitely need to put the shelf in first because.....!" then she said "don't get pissy with me" to which I looked over at my son sitting next to her and told her " oi don't talk to me like that or in front of my son!" that she said " fine I am going then!" I said " I am leaving the room before I say something I don't want to say!" and went to the kitchen, then 3 minutes later she came and said the argument was silly and lets forget about it. Now I know it was only because 1) my son was there and she realised she shouldn't have said it 2) she knows I would take her home and she wouldn't see us for dust until after the birth! so she apologised. But over all it was fine!

Abz, SW well you know I love it. I have loads of the cook books, plus there is one book full of nothing but free foods. I should have really tried harder during the PG to stick to the diet, but I just couldn't. I have gained 4 and 1/2 stone since the pg but which is half a stone more than I wanted to again, but it is better then the 7 I gained last time. I do try to still do red and green per meal, but if OH makes a roast I don't complain. I know my appetite will be less than it is at the moment, So hopefully I cam get back in to SW once I get the birth over with. Plus I am hoping to BF so that should hopefully help a bit too. Once thing I loved eating on SW was the sesame ryvita with light laughing cow,chicken deli meat ( from aldi it is lovely) with spring onions, slices fresh mushrooms and cress. Obviously only a little on each one, but it was/is gorgeous. And if still hungry I have some fruit or a yoghurt. But normally 4 of those are plenty.

But I know too I am really lucky as my OH cooks dinner 90% of the time and is so good, it is only a matter of me saying ok I want this week to have A B C for dinner and he will make sure it is realy and cooked and waiting for me. Only bad thing is I will be eating a late dinner every night because in order for me to have a HOT dinner it requires both boys to be in bed. So I doubt I will be eating before 7:30pm every night, And but upstairs to the first night feed by 10pm 10:30pm so not a big gap. But hoping that if I can get my eating done during the day and just have a lighter meal in the evenings this may help a bit.

Chris will need to go down about 6-:6:30 which means both boys need feeding by 5:30pm then up the stairs with one whilst the older one gets a bit of father son time together and I can give the baby some relaxing mommy and me time, and hopefully once he is bathed and massages he will go down well with a light feed, Then it is back down to get the other one for some mommy and me time and bath book and bed for him too. So that once 7:30pm I can have a bit of mommy and daddy time with some dinner and then clean up for the morning and preparation for the night. But it may all be wishful thinking. I am a planner and need to have some structure or all is not well in the household.

I would like to say that the NHS have been great this PG but I can't for the moment. I sent them my form for free prescriptions ( not that I need any) in jan and haven't heard anything. I have only seen my midwife ONCE and that was when I registered and it was only because I chased her not because she knew or that the Doctor had informed her properly and not seen her since. But I am also under consultant care and have been seeing them at most every 6 weeks or so. And since January I have been seeing them every 4 weeks. And have had many scans and tests done all which are just fine. So on that score things have been fine, But I am hoping the finale will be much better and praying I get a private room by myself. I like my privacy and the thought of being in a room with a bunch of other woman and their crying babies, their snoring and such really just stresses me, but fingers crossed I can badger someone into giving me a good deal.:)
well you obviously like to plan ahead... something tells me your babies won't let things go to plan all that often though :)

glad to hear your pelvis is holding up well. are you wanting to do sw to lose your pg weight after you've had chris?

abz xx
Hey Jen - all sounds wonderfully positive. The last few weeks will go quickly and you'll soon have your little son in your arms x
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Yeah, SW is what I am wanting to do to help me lose some weight and hopefully I will be able to get some more exercise too. I want to lose the weight before we have the last one.

Plans well plans are plans and it is structure that is more important, we just need to have a structure and a bit of flexibility in order to ensure I have happy boys.

Yes I cant wait! From the 4D scans he looks quite a bit like his brother which means he will look just like his dad too. The odd thing I have never been able figure out is that as a whole my LU looks just like his dad, but he has my lips, smile, teeth, cheeks, big eyes, hair colour and nose, so I just don't get how the whole picture makes him looks like his dad! *LOL* Oh well.
Afternoon all, I passed both gradings with flying colours. Next stop black belt for karate so lots of hard work on the horizon there! Tazzy tired now :D