I'm alive! I'm alive!
Mwha. Ok, still have a crappy set of lungs but the coldy flueyness has all but gone now. So back to work I go tomorrow. Thankfully, I managed to use some of my holidays instead of sick days. So I only lose 1.5 days of pay. Score! Was starting to worry my saving was going to be ruined by this sickness, but alas, no. Just gotta take a week off.
I noticed a few weeks back that I'm spending my wages on nothing. Like.. NOTHING. So a friend told me (after hitting me over the head) to open a savings account. Which I did. And this saving thing is actually easy and almost fun.
With my work being a good what.. 40 miles away from home, I wanted to start to learn to drive and get a car. But I hate the idea of waiting for ages like I have done previously, as I don't remember half the stuff I did the following week. So I wanted to do the crash course. Where your in the car for a few long days, and then you do the test right away.
Problem. It costs £500 to do.
So I was going to wait until Xmas time, ask the family for some money for presents and then do the test in the new year. Then I started to save. I'm pretty sure I can be ready to book the lessons in about.. a Month? I have Farmageddon coming up so that might put a small dint in the savings, but I've already saved up 3/5 of it. So I'm pretty pleased with myself.
On the downside. I went to the doctors yesterday. And I forgot to take my bloody forms in. Such a tool sometimes lol. But I will drop them in on Monday, as I'm off work. Also, I got to see the other doctor in my surgery and OhEmGe. She is soooo much better than my normal doctor. Very nice and assertive, without being the burke that my current one is. But I will be swapping surgery when I can be arsed to do the paper work. As a new one has opened up down the road from me, so it will just make everything so much easier.
Hope your feeling better Gem!