Hi ladies
Sorry I haven't been around much, but lifes been pretty hectic as per usual
Some good / exciting news though! I might finally be flying the nest soon. My friend and her boyfriend have invited me to move in with them in a few months time. Nothing has been officially sorted yet, and we don't know if we can even get the flat yet, but its exciting non the less.
I'll be moving just down the road from work, so won't have to make a 40+ mile round trip everyday anymore! I will save alot of money just paying rent than I do having to pay for petrol. The flat we are trying to get is awesome on paper (not been to see it yet) its a 4 bedroom flat above a pub. And the rent is super cheap. And to top it off, we get to decorate it! (Yippy! I love decorating!) by "Get to decorate it" I really mean oh god, we REALLY need to decorate it, as the previous owner was not exactly kind to the place. But we already have a trip planned for Ikea and Botany Bay to get some ideas
I think my life is finally starting to move forward again, and I really, really like it. I really hope we get to move into the house, because it's becoming pretty unbearable living at home. I don't talk to my dad, my sister is a drain on my emotional reserves and my dad is getting married next year, which I should be happy about, but thats an entire different drama you don't wanna hear about
So I'll be glad to get out of town and do it on my own
Another few updates to my life also. I have finally decided to go back to college and get my education done. I'm going to be doing an NVQ in Human Resources after summer, its part time for a year, so can keep working full time and attend and then can finally convert my university credits over and finish my degree in something useful! It will mean having to drive back to Wigan once a week to do the classes, but I'm cool with that, will mean I can stay in touch with my sister, as I feel alittle like I'm abandoning her with my possible moving.
My friend (whom I'm moving in with, possibly) has promised that we can go to Manchester PRIDE this year together, as I will be finishing my Cambridge around the same time as it's on, so it can be my reward she said. Even more of a reason to stick to my diet
People keep commenting about my weight loss at work. Part of me is bored and just want to get on with it, but the other part (the much bigger, vain part) is so happy that people are noticing it, its strange because I know I've lost weight, my clothes don't fit anymore (Keep having dangerous trouser slipping incidents in work!) but I don't feel like I've lost 2stone.. really weird. But it's just more fuel to keep my stubborn "I'm not quitting" fire burning
Annnnnyway. I think i've babbled enough..
I hope your all having a good time, and thanks again for sticking around and cheering me on girls! Your all amazing and good people!