Hmm.... excess skin is often a problem with rapid weightloss - where else is it to go? It's no good burying your head in the sand as its something you have to tackle head on. At some point you will have to assess the situation and make decisions that are right for YOU. You may be happy with the skin situation, maybe sorting it out with surgery at a later date (expensive and varying results - see other sections on here for first hand info) or you may decide to "level out" - maybe not losing it all at once and allowing your body to catch up. Whatever you decide to do has to be YOUR decision with your eyes open. The "skin thing" is a fact of life - there is only so much elasticity - lose loads of weight at once and you can end up with baggy trousers in your one button suit. I know you want to look good as well as slim at the end and you are a young man (which also means your skin's elasticity is at its best) so do your homework and make your informed decisions. Whatever you decide, your chosen method has given you a good head start to build on - whether you continue the same journey or switch to a slower method at a later date is your call but do it with the full knowledge of all the facts and make sure it is something that will make you a happy bunny at the end of the journey
Big (((Hugs))) x