Call me Linzi...
Then I had a 9lb gain then a 4lb loss... decided I wouldn't worry too much about a weekly weigh in this week!
Then I had a 9lb gain then a 4lb loss... decided I wouldn't worry too much about a weekly weigh in this week!
Also boiled ricewhat did you have with it?
Well im absolutely shocked and think my good days have well over compensated my bad and have lost 3lbs!!
so total for April is 6lbs, anyone going to do a cheeky weigh in on Friday due to end of the month?
Well done Nee! I always weigh in on the morning of the 1st of the month to get my monthly total... although my scales were showing a 24lb gain this morning so may have to treat them to some new batteries beore Saturday morning!
I'm down another 2 lbs this week, feel great!!
Well done to everyone that has lost
I'm down another 2 lbs this week, feel great!!
I had Kung Po King Prawn which has cashew nuts in it. I hoped that the high cals in the nuts was compensated for by having the prawns. It was lush.
Excellent result girlie. I weigh myself about 3 times a day so it would be silly of me to say that I don't know what it is for April.
* * *
Just had my second Slimfast of the day and spent an hour out with the dog this morning. So off to a good start. Hope you are all having a splendiferous day. xx
it is a fact- i cannot survive without you. I am now moved in to my new place (it is not as nice as my last place- its older and altho i know it is lovely, i miss my old place. it is 220 euro a month cheaper tho...)
Ok so i had 4 star pizza takeway on thurs nite
I cooked pizza and chips on fri nite
I ate a dominos pizza on saturday adn had the leftovers yesterday. I ate ate ate.
I have still not cooked a proper meal in my own house. Down at mum's today adn finally back on track BUT because of all teh crap i only managed a 6 k run- it was meant to be at least 10k. which is just totally dumb of me.
Nee utterly jealous of you, i ahve been taking sneaky peeks at scales and I will be up at least 2 lbs on weight inday AT LEAST!
I am meeting a friend for a walk at half 8 so that'll be abit extra.
But why did i let this happen??? I amn't angry, just deflated.
I kept putting off the runs and the gym. Stupid stupid stupid.
And judith- read ur comment about yoiur second glass of booze- i have had a bottle of wine, 4 beers, 4 southern conforts and 2 LARGE baileys!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!idiot.
I feel so neagtive. I am off on a month's holiday everyone's asking why-my contract may run out in june so had to take all my annual leave, is not the best story to tell , and where am i going- eh i could be unemployed in 2 months do i'm not going anywhere and i am so fed up of being all perky!
Sorry guys I know I am such a moan these eve.
Ok its beautiful weather.
I have one month to concentrate on geting fitter and lighter
I am about to spend an hour with a friend who should run bootcamps in exercise.
I hoovered my car today- go me!
and i am healthy ... ok I shall count the blessings that I have !
cannot wait to get broadband back in mmy own house!
Internet at work is now Banned and we only get 30 minutes now at lunchtime, I cant cope!!!! I used to browse on here for ages when I needed perking up, now I have stuck a picture of Kate Nash as my desktop wallpaper on my pc so I can look at her and think "ahhhh sooooon I will be like her" LOL!
Good morning Wemitts!
WI today and I've lost 2lbs - yippee. I have been pretty good this week and thought I might have even lost a bit more. But 2lbs is fine. So I have done my first stone and had the first hair cut.
Good morning Wemitts!
WI today and I've lost 2lbs - yippee. I have been pretty good this week and thought I might have even lost a bit more. But 2lbs is fine. So I have done my first stone and had the first hair cut.
One of my musings about this is that it was a shock to me how hard it was to shift this stone. I think when I saw that I had edged up to 16stone I kept telling myself it was just a temporary thing like you get at Christmas or on holiday and I could drop it anytime with a bit of cutting back. Well that was true of the first 6lbs but "HELL NO" for the other 8lbs. So I am telling myself today that I am blessed to have started my diet when I did and not when I was touching 17 stone or 18 stone or, for that matter, 20 stone. I know that the next stone is often when I flounder and I am now at the end of Week 7 when six weeks is my optimum time on any diet. I need to dig deep and with your help stay on track and just keep going because I Mean It This Time.
Have a great day everyone. xx
i have just deleted a long comment instead of posting it.
This sums up how I'm feeling grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
4 lbs on
Def won't make 8lbs target this month
Judith well done
KArma- poor you, pain in a** i bet
Nee, Judith thank you for teh support.
I promise i will not try eating my anger!
Congrats on the 2 pounds judith,and first stone gone!
Lost a pound this week.. not really sure how to feel about it! Im happy its a pound less but I had such a good week with no slips at all and walked loads..ah well I did win slimmer of the month for april which cheered me up!![]()
Good morning you gorgeous Wemitts!
Another day, another Slimfast! Sorry to hear that some of you are feeling down. Kellie, you shouldn't have deleted your thread - this is the perfect place to have a rant at how sh*t life is sometimes and no matter what you do you can still feel the b*stards grinding you down. If not here, then where???
Nee, you know what is happening because I'm sure it has happened before. Your naughty brain likes all the swings and buzzes of different foods and it is worried that your willpower is winning the war so it has set out to sabotage you. But you can outlast it. Just tread water until this passes - don't try to keep compensating for not having 1200 cals yesterday by having none today. Just add them up and try to keep them below your BMR. Your silly brain will give in before you do because you are amazing. Then when it skulks off into a corner to lick its wounds you get right back in there girl. Remember that even top marathon runners walk sometimes to get their breath back ready for the next big push.
As usual I'm just off out with t'dog after a bit of a lie in (lush). Have a lovely day all. x
can i join?????! 17 stone 2 lbs at mo :sigh: ...and would love 4 stone gone!!!! started celebrityslim today.... help!!!
best of luck to everyone..cant believe how well ppl have done so far.. well done all x x hope to join in the success x x