I'm Back!!!! .............. But I did have great fun with my Hubby and the dogs and that's what counts most of all.
Kellie & Nee I'm sorry your having a tough time life is full of stress but I have found over the years that it helps shape us into who we are (sorry showing my age). I am very spiritual and agree with Kellie and her friend that we are all here to learn and if we don't learn the lessons set for us then we have to redo the task. I know this is a pain in the ass, as I appear to have failed some of my lessons so am still in a financial mess, but I did learn the love task which was not to settle! Hold on and trust in who you are and the right person will come along who appreciates you for who you are not what they want you to be. I did have to go through a lot of crap in my younger years but I now understand who I am and what I want out of life and I did have to wait until my late 30's to find him but hell he was worth it.
So much has happened to you all since I was last on so I'm sorry if I have missed out on anyone. But I do know that we are all here for each other (unconditionally) so Nee (and everyone) remember you do have friends who care very much for you and we do want to help and support you as well as know the details (good or bad).
R x
Hey Ronsy, good to have you back and glad you had a great time
dont worry about the 4lbs it will go soon enough!
obviously you dont have to go into detail but what sort of financial messes have u been in? dont answer to this if you dont want to x
Hey Nee, I would like to join your group, I know I'm a bit late for the 'big' challange, but you all sound like you were in the position I am now. Started ages ago lost a good amount but have kinda stuck around at the same weight for six months a lb here or there. Anyway I am on week two now & determind to loose 3 stone for xmas. Would really love to know how you girls have got on??
Of course you can join, Im sure this group will be going on a long time as I know I have alot of weight to shift yet....too much even ha ha
How much do u have to lose in total?
My Journey started off pretty well I started on 19st 11lbs got down to 18st 4lbs but have since gone back up to 18st 11lbs AGAIN!! had alot going on and was feeling to stressed and down to concentrate on the diet, and even though things are still anightmare I have managed to just about get some focus back on my diet so a restart again on monday just gone and at the minute feeling quite positive and nice to have a focus even if its only this at the minute
Good luck with your and keep us updated
Good morning all.
It is a beautiful morning at my parents house, I'm looking out at the sea in the distance. I can see beauty again- the table quiz went amazingly well-€820 raised. And most surprising was, out of the 16 tables, 10 were just tourists who came along!!So relieved!! All went smoothly and that is most of the money I need raised! So sponsorship cards now, maybe a coffee morning and thats it!
As for weight, i'm hoping for STS! Not at all good, but not so bad as last week.
ChunkyMonkey- u ask how we are all getting on? Well I started in MArch at 14 2, I am now (fingers crossed not more than) 12 5, although officially I am 12 2.5 but I put on weight 2 weeks ago, but I am planning on getting back to it by Tuesday (or maybe a week Tues!!). I am doing the "marathon diet" which allows a good volume of food, with a little consideration of when I'm running (pasta 3 hours before kinda thing). I suppose I have lost nearly 2 stone, but I have gained more than that in terms of supportive circle, learning about why I binge eat, what can help and also at some point 4 miles became an easy run,8 miles became a nice run, and 14+ is now the challenge. I have had some really low points (last few weeks) but what I have not done is spent longer than a few weeks in a low point of self pity and binge eating. My aim is to learn how to avoid binge eating all together as it rips me apart- i feel out of control and filled with self disgust as I stuff my face, and with teh group on here, I do feel i get over it more quickly. For me, I paln to be on this til next April!!! I'm making a long term commitment and even then I plan on staying around as I think I will always be addicted to food, and one step away from being 14 stone again.
Ronsy welcome home!! I'm glas you had a good hol!! You totally deserved it. SO do you think I will ever learn how to get good with money??!
Hey kellie,
so glad the quiz went well YAY and sounds like you did well in raising money Yay to tourists whoop! - what is this actually in aid off - sorry if you have said already
well, Im on to day 6 of being back on the diet and feeling sooooo much better for it, as mentioned above, Im still floating around unsure of our problems and how its gonna sort itself out but realise having the focus on the diet does improve my mood
Have not exceeded more than 1200 cals each day and had some lower days which Im happy with, but I am getting alot of hunger pangs with trying to throw out my stupid habbits of temptation!
Spent alot of yesterday investigating diets as wasnt fully happy with my previous attempts and am heading towards a fibre diet, which seems to be good in many ways including weight loss.
In fact i have upped my fibre this week and have spent sooo much time on the ladies

that I know somethings working in my body!
I also had a look into some things about emotional eating with how to control it and there is a line right at the beginning of one site which I find very fitting ....
'Emotional eating never truly satisfies. And whether you use emotional eating to feed feelings of stress, depression, loneliness, anxiety, frustration or boredom, in the long run, it only makes matters much worse.'
Also, from a while back and speaking with my GP they agreed to low Calories with me and with the fibre diet you can have from 850-1500 calories so aiming at around 1000 so if under its ok and if over its also ok.
has anyone ever done a cereal diet for like 1-2 weeks? me and the OH are thinking about next week ordering loads of cereal to have for 2 weeks - abit like the Special K diet or whatever it is... any thoughts?