My first weigh in is actually a week next Tuesday, as that is the next time we are both in the office- I also see it as a head start.
Somehow I managed to lose a pound- delighted and shocked as my eating is up and running down compare to when I'm on full throttle. We'll see how the next week goes- as I am determined to be back at my best. I have a big night out Saturday night, but I am confident that I will not eat too much before hand nor after, and I will keep to white wine or vodka and diet white. I know I cannot get as drunk as I might because I need to be in good running form.
I have not yet sat and read over the posts I missed- hope to get time tonight- I hope you are all doing well, smiling and happy.
Well done on the 1lb

Im sure more will be off next week!! Saturday night sounds like fun to...enjoy
Today has been abit of a weird one, had planned to go out, weigh at boots then go to OH's Mums to look after his sisters kids, but they cancelled on us and I had breakfast and then realised I hadnt yet weighed....I like to weigh before eating or drinking!!
So in the end, spent most of my day sat on the internet, looking at minimins and checking emails, then checking minimins then nosing at facebook, then back to minimins and other weightloss info sites then investigating my america dream to then come back to minimins, then lookiing for somewhere to live and at jobs and back to minimins hee hee what a brilliant life I lead!!!
Took both dogs out this morning and then took the young one out again tonight, been really good food wise, but have a toothache which Im hoping disappears!!
Been in such a wondering mood the last couple of days, I know what I want to be able to be happy but it always seems like there is so much in the way, oh to be 18 again, how differently I would do things!! I would have got all my educational needs done and blasted this diet before I could blink and have some proper direction, instead Im fat, unemployed, nearly homeless and have no idea really where to start.
Its like the things I need are in reach 'just' - such as my offer for a place at uni but in order to go there I need somewhere to live and my student finance in place and both are proving soooo hard!!
Also found that although I have been good calorie wise I have felt alot more hunger pangs, wish it would stop and leave me for good but nope, the damn thing keeps on banging away
Plan Tomorrow
* Weigh!!! I need to know if anything is happening either to feel like Im getting somewhere or to realise what Im doing isnt working so I can tweak my current eating plan
* Walk for at least 1 hour with the dog's
* Job Hunt and house hunt...consant battle....
* Consider maybe looking at other courses (even though not what I want)
* Remember to smile and think that I can get somewhere!!!!
Hmmm do I have much else to add.... nope think thats me for now
Hope all is ok, will update again tomorrow
x Night x