Brighter day
Long post ahead
oh nee...i'm really sorry to hear what you're going through. i do hope theres light at the end of the tunnel and i'm sure that although its been done in a distressing way theres another door waiting to open for you with a better life behind it. hope the viewing goes well. xx
Thanks Colly, Here's to a fresh start, Im sure it will work out...see below xx
How is the CD going?
Awwh Nee I just want to come up to northampton and give you a big hug hun! I cannot beleive what your landlord did... is that even legal?! Horrible man!
As judith said at least your out of that place and with your parents and dont have to worry about him doing anything at anytime.. good luck with the viewing tonight

Fingers and toes crossed for you!
Have had a pretty nice bank holiday weekend, spent fridaynight asmy friends barn dance she organised for charity and pretty sure I sweated off some pounds there. The weekend was just chilling out with the rents.. my last week intill schools go back and I start back on the track of trying to get a teaching job and finding a way to finally move out from home... and Im 24 on thurs.. eek.
Hey Hanz, Thanks for your crossing of toes and fingers

Im not sure if it was legal but just couldnt be bothered to fight it anymore, they were a bunch of cowboys since day one, so im sure I will be glad to be rid of them!!
Happy Birthday for tomorrow, :birthday: 24 ahhh how exciting

good luck with the moving and job stuff xx
At least you've got each other. Does your OH work? What other things have you had to leave behind in Bournemouth? Friends, opportunities?? Remember that moving house is one of the big 5 stress factors - up there with bereavement and divorce. So don't underestimate impact of this regardless of all the other stuff. Hope the viewing goes well. xx
I'm (eeek) 55 the following thurs. How did that happen? When did I get to be so old? Happy Birthday sweetie. xx
* * *
Struggling on diet and drinking going up again. I'm still in a bit of a moody not helped by TT's uni reneging on accommodation offer. They are now offering him a bunk bed in a shared room. How ridiculous to put adults in bunk beds, apart from fact he is 6' 4". Making an Appeal and complaint which is stressful in itself. Anyhoo, Have a good day and ignore my whinging. xxx
OH not working, we have suffered alot with finding work in Bournemouth for some reason, we had lived there for 1 1/2 yrs and prior to that lived in Northampton, we went Bournemouth to get a fresh start from problems we had before but it just got worse with moving, the only thing I have really left behind is my theatre stuff - as in there is more opportunitys there etc and going back to visit college shows and that

possession wise, yeh did lose quite abit but its all material so bugger it!! Viewing info to follow....
55 no eeeking misses!! Dont they say life begins at 50 so you must/should be having a hoot
I imagine your sons issues with the accomodation is very stressful, as he should be starting soon shouldnt he? Hope it all works out tho, keep us posted.
Try not to let the food beat you, I know you can do it hun just beleive in yourself
Nee, would you be happy living in that area? How is staying with your parents going?
Hanz, teaching- what bravery!
Colly who's the new guy?????
Jud- what's with the mood- tell me more?
Our weigh in at work started- 3 of us, and while I am the heaviest as always, we are all within 6lbs of each other- so quite good! And tomorro morn a friend and I are going to teh gym.
My life is good today.
I have lived here most of my life apart from the last year and a half never loved it but its familiar if that makes sense. All going ok staying with the parents, but stressfull as my dad is no dog lover and we have 2 so its quite hard to keep him happy.
Yes Colly...what new guy?? xx
Weighed in tonight, over the moon to find out I lost 5.5lb this week! (barn dances = awesome weight loss)
I am officially an 'overweight' BMI woot and into the 14stones! The thinnest I have been since.. well secondary school. Also got slimmer of week and slimmier of month.. 1.5lb till my 5 stone award, Maybe if i dont eat too much birthday cake that will be next week

(I have found the most amazing cake thou, tescos rocky road cake.. theres a marshmellow layer and everything!).
Woop to the 5-5lbs hun YAY xx and the 'overweight BMI' Category

:clap: we had a rocky road the other day, my god there YUMMMY

enjoy xx
What I'm worried about is that he'll be one of the ones who drops out! It seems a mad accommodation strategy to depend on people being unhappy.
* * *
Mood is a bit lighter but its still lurking on the edge of my mind. I've always been a moody f*cker tbh. Definately borderline manic depressive. I get all giddy and "life's a bowl of cherries" for a while and then I crash and burn in the depths of desolation. I must be murder to live with. And the drinking doesn't help. I will slip into drinking up to a bottle of wine a night. Never during the day but its too much on a regular basis. Plus plays havoc with the diet obv.
Have done appeal letter re: accommodation and checked its arrived (god bless e-mail). Just off out with doglet who is looking very fetching in her sporty little bandana.
Nee, hope the house-hunting is successful. Hanz, good luck with the job-hunting.
Have a lovely day Wemitts. xx
Im sure TT wont drop out, he will love it when he is there even in a too small bunk bed, good luck with the appeal xx
Maybe you need to learn more about habbits and behaviours, I know it sounds silly, but if you do find that when you get down you eat and drink more then maybe there is something in your mind triggering it without your full control, either way i refuse to allow you to give up hee hee xx
house update to follow below
Has been a very stressful and upsetting few days but i finally have some positive news.... We have found a house, its a 2 bed semi detached with garden, pretty nice decor but needs a 'Nee' touch of creativity ha ha hoping to go in tomorrow to reserve it. And me and OH have secured some work

I admit its no glamorous job, and by no means greatly paid but we can start together which will help us both and when things all settle I/we can look for something better, got some numbers for theatres too so going to see if I can get any freelance work part time so I can be happy with that too.
Things are definately looking up but I think it will take time after what we have been through.
Diet going alright, not had any major slips, I have had a dairy milk bar for 2 days and havent eaten it yet...

yep Im shocked too hee hee
So from a miserable inside person I see a little glimmer of light, maybe this was fate and meant to happen, who knows!!!
Hope everyone is ok