Morning lovely peeps
Kellie, Im liking the walking idea, maybe I should do something similar...hmmm maybe not, but still It sounds gooood

I think your goal is nice and realistic, should give you a good chance at smashing it too.
Yes, Hanz, Were missing you

we need 'love' and 'weight' updates
Judith, Like Kellie says laid back is best, just try and enjoy the time and not let it get irritating, it will only upset you more when he has to go xx
Me, well Im ok, Didnt lose this week, actually gained,!!! I have no idea how cos I was sooo good but nevermind, this is another week, so can only get better from here!
Me and OH are going to go for some nice walks this weekend, this afternoon hopefully down the canals, and tomorrow were going to a country park, good for us, good for diet and good for ickly dog Milly