Crazy isn't it! I was like"nooooooo" lol xxHonestly have no idea. As soon as I sat down last night to watch it I said to my OH that I had a feeling she was going to win! Her "fans" hadn't had the chance to vote for her yet so this was their first and only chance... so maybe she was more popular than we thoughtx
P.s celebrity big brother starts on Monday!x
No I haven't seen much about it but I did hear that that nasty this morning woman was going to be in there - Katie Hopkins I think she's called? Who else? XxCan't wait! have you seen the line up? It's going to be a good un!x
No I haven't seen much about it but I did hear that that nasty this morning woman was going to be in there - Katie Hopkins I think she's called? Who else? Xx
Haven't watched it yet but I can see them getting it on! XxWhat ya think of them then? Can see Ricci and Lauren getting together, in the live feed at 12am she was asking him to touch her bum and there was quite a lot of flirting!! xx
P.s I didn't think they did the live feed anymore? Xx
Oh booThink it was just a one off because it was launch night last night, I do miss live feedxxx