I liked David, too. He's a wee bit chubby but otherwise very good-looking and he was funny and seemed genuine. When he said people from Scotland 'never win nuthin'' he obviously forgot BB winner Cameron Stout, from Orkney! Bless.
Tracey has nine lives!
Shanessa... A second Lea, she WISHES. The sight of her wriggling and writhing over Liam and Brian was not pleasant.
I think Brian is definitely portraying a 'character' he hopes will win. He's no genius and he seems very naive about girls but he's not as dumb, nor as green behind the ears, as he makes out. He does make me laugh, mind you.
Liam strikes me as a nice lad. I'm not keen on the 'model', Amy. Kara-thingy I can't really make out, but anyone quoted as saying they are '10/10, gorgeous' - as Amy, too, is said to have declared - strikes me as too big-headed for words. Shanessa would probably give herself 11/10 in every department. And she'd be wrong.
Ah well, it's all showbiz.