Tara is a bit odd, yes. When she first went in she was slurring so badly (without booze!) that it was hard to understand her. And whilst she is not bad looking and has a good figure, I don't see her as a 'babe', which is presumably why she was invited to take part.
I agree that Jedward are almost certainly having their 'outrageous prank' ideas fed to them. Trashing the house ALWAYS used to result in a severe dressing down and a threat of immediate eviction should it happen again. BB has changed a lot over the years and not always for the better.
It is ironic that, as Paddy D struggles to adjust to being around 'country people' (i.e. non-Travellers) inside the CBB house, out in the real world there is about to be a HUGE standoff between the Bailiffs/Police and the Traveller/anarchist sympathiser community currently occupying Dale Farm. Paddy became a 'celeb' by virtue of My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and then, soon after, was embroiled in an internal Traveller family fist-fight with his much younger cousin. The cousin won - but this blood feud will probably run and run.
Isolated from his life-long culture he is bound to struggle. Anyone would struggle, cooped up with that lot, particularly the infantile and faintly creepy Jedward. They were born to perform, that's for sure, and have no doubt been showing off horribly since they were toddlers! But they are what was once called a 'novelty' act. Their antics very quickly become tiresome.
I feel sad for Kerry, and hope she does win. Would give the poor girl a boost.