Big Brother!

It was horrible how they all went against Charlie. Hazel and Gina's behaviour was particularly nasty :mad:
Hi everyone, just thought I'd join you all because I love Big Brother :) who do you all want to win now the final isn't far off? Don't think I'm crazy but I think Dexter deserves it because he has played the game well!
I'd like Dexter to win too, he and Gina have been the most entertaining throughout but I'm not so keen on Gina, think she has a bit of an evil streak!
I really liked Gina the whole series and then last week I went right off her. I think Dexter is just a confused little soul and has been on the famous "journey" in the house. Don't know what I'll watch when it ends!
I really liked Gina the whole series and then last week I went right off her. I think Dexter is just a confused little soul and has been on the famous "journey" in the house. Don't know what I'll watch when it ends!

Don't fear - Celebrity BB starts a few days afterwards :clap:
Thank god celeb bb starts soon I'm addicted ha! It's annoying me though why doesn't anyone care that dexter has a girl friend! But there was uproar with Daley! Has dexter not told anyone in the house? X
Happy days :) love a bit of celeb BB
That's true re his girlfriend, how strange.
I didnt realise he had a girlfriend! I havent been keen on any of them this series, really looking forward to celeb bb tho x
So we're into the final week! Lots of people saying they think Sam is going to win...I hope not, I really don't think he's been that entertaining at all, pretty boring if you ask me!
Well Sam was a disappointing winner for me....sigh! Oh well, now for Celeb BB! Think I might go and start a thread :D
I wish Dan had stayed in longer too..he made it entertaining. I know everyone loves Sam but oh my was he dull. Really wanted Dexter to win :( lol
I am waiting for Dexter to reveal he is actually gay. He seemed to get camper and camper as he exited the house......!
Sam wasnt very televised.....there were bigger stories and other hms got more airtime!
I did love him standing up for himself though - and he stuck up for others in the house. Reminded me of Craig who won first BB...just a 'nice guy'.
I do think Dexter is gay, that would make the whole Charlie love triangle so much funnier lol.