Taronga Leela
Full Member
Love BB! I'm so sad that as soon as I saw it advertised last week I Sky+'d it 
Looking forward to tonight now, despite hubster hating it with a passion I still get my own way
I think I've read somewhere (Heat magazine I think) that this year is going to be lilke a proson with thin mattresses and scratchy old blankets.
I agree that they should go back to basics like the early BB with the chickens and stuff! That was cool!
And OMG, Charlie, sorry but what a penis! Silly twunt!
Looking forward to tonight now, despite hubster hating it with a passion I still get my own way
I think I've read somewhere (Heat magazine I think) that this year is going to be lilke a proson with thin mattresses and scratchy old blankets.
I agree that they should go back to basics like the early BB with the chickens and stuff! That was cool!
And OMG, Charlie, sorry but what a penis! Silly twunt!