Oh my god - will someone please shove one of Mohamed's dirty socks down that bl**dy Rex's throat? I am not a big Nicole fan by any stretch of the imagination but how does she stand him badgering her constantly and the way he fondles her 'puppies' in full view of the nation I would soon give him a hefty knee in the groin area!

He treats her like she is his possession and his constant paranoia would send me insane with frustration and if he didn't trust me I would see little point in continuing the relationship. This cannot be love surely and if when I were 19 years old a boyfriend behaved like that toward me, you wouldn't have seen me for dust I can tell you and it would matter very little how big his 'wad' was!
I think Nicole is simply with Rex for the status she believes his wealth will bestow upon her and if she thinks she can fool us all with her claims to love this awful young man than she must think we are all a nation of numb skulls!
To be honest Rex comes across as a grossly shallow person who is probably more concerned about impressing equally as shallow people with what he has and hasn't got and Nicole is just another commodity he can display to the world in order to make him feel better about his self. Anyone who constantly talks about who he knows, how much money he has and how wonderful his girlfriend is etc is obviously grossly insecure deep down and believes these are the attributes in life that impress people. Well they may impress his circle of friends but I like to think the rest of us have more finesse than that! All I can say is what an empty life he is surely leading and if he only had the brains to see further than the end of his nose he would realise that there are far more important things in life than material possessions? As for truly loving and respecting Nicole - he really hasn't got a clue has he and does he really think this is how a man shows his love to a woman? He has little regard for her feelings as why else does he keep discussing their latest 'tiff' with whoever happens to be in the vicinity and surely if he had any respect for this young lady he would refrain from airing his dirty linen in public.
I would blow my fuse if I were living in that house with such a shallow individual and I just couldn't keep my mouth shut when I witnessed him in action and I just know that my lack of tolerance would have me hanging him up by his danglies!
As for Nicole, I really do not like her (despite my sympathies for her where Rex is concerned) and to me she is a lazy, spoilt brat and when she demanded Mikey bring the sizzling, hot sausages over in the frying pan to her when Lisa was doing her hair for her on eviction night (how dangerous could that have been for Mikey and others if he had carried a boiling hot pan around) anyway, that for me really showed to me the selfish and shallow little so and so she obviously is and proved once and for all that she has no understanding or regard for anyone else other than her own self. When she did eventually, but begrudgingly get up off her idle backside to turn over the burning sausages, her curt remark to Mikey telling him to be careful not to splash her dress once again displayed the type of inconsiderate person she is! Not a very nice girl in my eyes and she could do with a few lessons living in the real world and having to fend and look after herself! Still you can see what her destiny will be; marry a rich guy and spend the rest of her shallow life worrying about such important issues as what colour shoes to wear with which dress etc?
Sorry if I sound somewhat bitter but such people really annoy me and when you look around at some of the wonderful work other people do for others it makes you realise what a farce some people's lives are and yet they will go through life ignorantly wrapped up in their own self importance unaware of the real important things in life!