It's a shame how bad experiences can damage your self-esteem and the way you look at SW or slimming in general. In the 4 times I started SW again there was always the same consultant, Gill and a lot of the same members and I loved it I really did, it was less about slimming and more about going and having a giggle with people who all had something in common, last time I was there Gill had to leave as she was having to come from the city over and not making enough money and blamed the big bosses at SW and the franchise in general, so on the last night we all hugged and cried and she gave us all our own little pep talks mine was "if you keep at it this time, you'll be running in no time!" she was such a lovely woman.
Next week was a new consultant, she was going to be taking over until they found a permanent one, she was still on her own SW journey and just didn't have the X-Factor that Gill had and other members had gone off to different groups. I didn't go back after that, but I do know that if I fall off the wagon this time I'll be straight to a group and I know I'll find another amazig group again.
Sometimes things are meant to happen for a reason, but never, ever let anyone else make you feel bad about yourself and never give anyone the right to make your life less than you want it to be.
Natt xxx