Firstly, good for you!! Well done for standing up for yourself. No one needs to be made miserable at work. It's where we spend most of your lives afterall. I reckon you should open your own restaurant and work for yourself. Nothing like having your own business. You seem to be someone who thinks things through and when the decision is made, that's it! Good on you.
Secondly, have you calculated how much you would spend on food if you were eating real food? It might only be slightly less than what you pay for CD, and you might still be able to continue buying your CD packs. Although, it's not just the cost is it? I think you're probably looking forward to being 'normal' again, and eating real food. I think you could very easily move on to another weightloss regime that involves food and lose the remaining weight steadily. I'm thinking of doing just that. If I can get 2 stones off with CD, I might then do SLimmingworld (red days work best for me) and the occassional week of CD SS to boost my losses.
Well done so far, you've done SO well. Don't stop your diary on MM whatever you do, and thanks for the motivational vibes lol!