Im backkkkk!!! I had a really REALLY good holiday in Aberdeen

It was so good to catch up with my friends and I really did pretty much eat whatever I wanted lol. But i had a blast and it was yummy lol. TWO WORDS... battered sausage! lol. yummmmm...
Anyway, came back on Tuesday went straight to bed at 9pm when I got home, then went on the Wii yesterday morning to check the damage... now we all know Wiis are tempremental at times with weight but it said +11lbs!!!!! In 7 days, excuse me?!?1 So i went on it again and this time it said +8lbs instead of 11!!! So obviously less, but still i was NOT impressed!!
Did some exercise, stuck to my points and then i found an easter egg... oops so i was ignoring it for ages and then I just broke and NOM NOM NOM NOM oopsy easter egg eated! Then I just went to bed lol.
Went back on the Wii this morning, it said I'd lost a bit since yesterday, hmm whatever mr. wii. i basically take the wii as an estimate and i really only do it to get the stamps each day rather than really taking it to heart. So weigh in is in 2 hours and im not looking forward to it. Im slightly concerned by what the scales will say but oh well, whats a girl to do!
the meeting i go to is one where my mum is a helper at, and also my friend Xena goes there too, usually meet her there, and then go to her house. Shes started to always exercise on the nights of weigh in, and thats the one day/night i dont feel guilty for having a rest day. I told her that earlier by text, that i wanted a chill out, a chat and a catch up and she said well she's going to go on ea active when im there. so im probably just going to go there, have chinese and then go home. if she doesnt get the message then i think im going to have to stop going there after WI totally, ive lived where i live now for almost a year in may and she has been to my house ONCE since then. Im at her house at least twice/3 times a week, so i really think i need to change things there. its not fair that im always the one pushing to see people and if i didnt go to see her, it makes me wonder if we would ever see each other.
argh sorry, that got really long but i guess once i started typing it just came out lol. will catch up when i can as i dont have internet at the moment, but i might even have internet back tonight if i top up lol. xx