Kinda!! Plus trying on my jeans which won't go past my thighs! Grr. It's getting cold and I need my skinny jeans! My baggy ones soak up all the water from the street!! I need my skinny ones that can tuck into my boots and stay dry!! Only problem is they are skinny on the top as well as the legs!! Not sure if they'll ever fit really as my preggy belly has changed the shape of my body. Hmm. But yeah some days my little one likes to challenge me around dinner time which makes having a meal a nightmare and much easier to grab a bar to fill me up, but at the weekends when hubby's home or if she's napping in the day I can quickly rustle up an omelette or something and have that!! I'm going to weigh this morning for the start of the November challenge - and also for a personal sneaky peek!!

But before you smack my wrist I have to say I've been much better on the weighing front!!

I weighed Monday to see the apple crumble damage and since then have been getting dressed and glugging water before I get to the scales (- I refuse to weigh myself unless it's post wee, pre clothes and pre drink!! Ha ha). Good luck today!! Xx