I've just emptied it

Hint hint
Kittens are soooooooo cute and tiny but feeding well and this cat is looking after them well. Nothing like the cat that had kittens three months ago and we had to keep persuading her to go back and look after them. Next Wednesday she goes to get neutered and the current mum as soon as poss. Blimey, we've been rescuing pathetic little cats for over 30 years now and never had a single pregnancy. Its a worry I can tell you .....
anyway, 'nuff kitten gossip, I could go on for ages about them.
Its been peeing down here and I'm shattered 'cos I stayed up till silly o'clock this morning and had loads and loads to do but did nothing but drive in the rain and the bad traffic (an accident somewhere perhaps?) to get my boy back to hospital.
I do so know what you mean about that insistent voice in the head going on about what a foolish move it is to stuff in the 8th choccie bar, and how easy it is to disbelieve it. And to shut it up by eating yet more.
Ah Pomooky and Krupskaya, Lesley, Amanda, Mandy and every one, we should have our very own boot camp without the fierce trainers, just doing nice things and being mindful of our eating - perhaps (and this is all fantasy of course) we should all descend on Aline and enjoy her beach and sunshine.
I've absolutely now words of advice to give, I wish I could share some of my good feelings around. Things started getting better for me when my family troubles started getting more sorted, I went into counselling myself and the book I read was the icing on the cake ... sorry perhaps not such a good metaphor here

I'm now aware though that my tendency is to binge when things get bad, and hope my new found ability to detach myself from the drive will hold out when things get very difficult again. I hope so as I know difficult times will come again.
Pomooky, how was the mock exam, how did you feel about your ability to answer as required?
Krupskaya, how are you now?
Lesley, where are you?
Amanda, is it still going well for you at the gym?
Mandy, you lost your holiday gain? Well done you.
Micci xxx