Hmmmmm, I've had a couple of slight binges recently so thought I''d used this thread to have a dialogue with myself.
But first ... Pomooky, ah yes old fat
Freshly needed bread dough is what I think on a bad day
Christmas? Don't worry about it, we will all be half the women we were by then.
Tonight I came home from work, ate well but was absolutely shattered and could see no reason at all why I should deny myself a few slices of the delicious seedy bread I had bought , along with fresh houmous I found in the fridge, followed up by a bar and a half of chocolate. I even thought to myself 'do I really want this, will I regret it?' and decided that yes I did want it, and no I wouldn't regret it.... fool
Of course, two hours later I do regret it and feel sick.
So, thinking about this conversation I remembered what Lesley had been asked, and what Aline suggested and wondered what was different about tonight as opposed to last night when I was just as tired but it didn't even occur to me to over eat.
Tonight I had meant to go to a music lesson, my first for ages but was so tired with an achy back and could not face up to a long journey to the other side of the city for it. So maybe I was feeling deprived.
Also, as I've not been challenging myself musically for a long time I might (OK, yes I WAS) feeling anxious about my abilities. Heck, I know I'm in need of lessons and practice, I had a go at some of my grading pieces and didn't play them very well.
Anyway, I think that the combination of feeling unsure of my abilities and deprived of the lesson combined with the tiredness led me back to old habits.
It was nothing like the manic binging I used to do but still enough to set me back a couple of weeks again.
There was also an element for me of wanting to be like other people who do not feel it necessary to deprive themselves of treats.
So, the question is what to do about it?
I have been affirming to myself that I am allowed treats and calory laden foods but that I choose to limit my intake. I need to be clear that I am not forbidding myself these foods but it is my choice to eat only small amounts of these sort of foods.
I will also do Renee Stephen's 're-do' technique whereby I will play back in my head before going to sleep another version of tonight, how I will do it next time I'm in a similar situation, deciding to limit my intake and acknowledging the real issues ..
Good night, I wish you all well for tonight and tomorrow.
But first ... Pomooky, ah yes old fat
Tonight I came home from work, ate well but was absolutely shattered and could see no reason at all why I should deny myself a few slices of the delicious seedy bread I had bought , along with fresh houmous I found in the fridge, followed up by a bar and a half of chocolate. I even thought to myself 'do I really want this, will I regret it?' and decided that yes I did want it, and no I wouldn't regret it.... fool
Of course, two hours later I do regret it and feel sick.
So, thinking about this conversation I remembered what Lesley had been asked, and what Aline suggested and wondered what was different about tonight as opposed to last night when I was just as tired but it didn't even occur to me to over eat.
Tonight I had meant to go to a music lesson, my first for ages but was so tired with an achy back and could not face up to a long journey to the other side of the city for it. So maybe I was feeling deprived.
Also, as I've not been challenging myself musically for a long time I might (OK, yes I WAS) feeling anxious about my abilities. Heck, I know I'm in need of lessons and practice, I had a go at some of my grading pieces and didn't play them very well.
Anyway, I think that the combination of feeling unsure of my abilities and deprived of the lesson combined with the tiredness led me back to old habits.
It was nothing like the manic binging I used to do but still enough to set me back a couple of weeks again.
There was also an element for me of wanting to be like other people who do not feel it necessary to deprive themselves of treats.
So, the question is what to do about it?
I have been affirming to myself that I am allowed treats and calory laden foods but that I choose to limit my intake. I need to be clear that I am not forbidding myself these foods but it is my choice to eat only small amounts of these sort of foods.
I will also do Renee Stephen's 're-do' technique whereby I will play back in my head before going to sleep another version of tonight, how I will do it next time I'm in a similar situation, deciding to limit my intake and acknowledging the real issues ..
Good night, I wish you all well for tonight and tomorrow.