Well done for staying away from binges.
Do you live with someone that knows about your struggle with constant weighing? I imagine that it would be extremelly hard for you, but maybe you could ask someone to hide the scales and show it to you only once a week from the weekly WI... I belive you would feel very anxious without the scales at beggining but maybe that would help you in the long run.
I wish I could help more. Anyway, focus on your victories so far, you haven't been binging and that already a great achievement, so one step at a time
Hi Aline - Thankyou for your kind reply

. I live alone so no one knows about my scales obsession. I'm suffering with really bad anxiety at the mo and just concentrating on not bingeing so as you say, I need to take one step at a time. I fear if I decided to be too strict with the scales it would make me worse and at the moment I couldn't handle that.
Hi Mandy - don't worry too much about your small gain, you'll get that off in no time. Congrats on not bingeing/purging, you're doing really well. Good luck getting rid of your last 20lbs!
Hi Pomooky - no binges for five days - that's fantastic! Go you! Like you, I've cut out snacks between meals as I get everything I need having 3-4 meals a day. Something must be working as at my (official) weigh in this morning I lost 2lbs, taking me into the ten stone bracket (just - 10st 13). I haven't been this weight for years so I'm really chuffed. Only 1st 6 to go to target.
Hi Louise - a very warm welcome to you and congrats on not bingeing for two days - I know it's hard but keep on keeping on, you can do it! I understand what you mean about wanting to binge after eating something - the 'once you pop you can't stop' syndrome. I get that too.
Hi Micci - that book sounds dead interesting. Thanks for letting us know about it. You might have mentioned it (head's in the shed this morning) but what is it called? I think I'd like to get it myself.
A happy wednesday to all of you lovely ladies. I'm so glad I stumbled upon this section of the site, you're a grand bunch of women and I can so identify. Thankyou.