Had such a lovely time with my family at the carvery, it was so tasty, I piled my plate high but only ate about half, I had the beef, carrots and half the potatoes and parsnipsMe and the bf are in bed watching TV and munching on chocolate, thinking that weigh in tomorrow may be a disaster
This morning i have pt the washing on and had a tidy and am now having a cup of tea in bed, I am going to do my online food shop and then have a shower and start looking for jobs, i have got some books out from the library to help my diet, job, confidence and to decide what i really want, because right now with everything going on I seem to be putting everyone first in my life and forgetting about me =( I want to decide what Binkybonk wants..... x
Sounds a fabulous idea hun, bless ya big hugs xxx
well done binks. it is so important to look after yourself. I know you have A LOT going on right now, but never forget about yourself. You can't help anyone if you're not in a good place
1lb will defo be gone this week. It's December anyway - I bet most of us will be up and down up and down all month. Lets just hope the weight isn't an UP at the end of it all!
I bet this forum gets crazy busy in January! Seems a lot quieter now than in the summer
Very true Cat, i am trying to keep on track but Christmas does make it harder and i agree i think it will get new people on here getting fit again in January x There is even more going on now hun but i will continue as i always do, am beginning to feel worn down by the battle that is life x x
Hope you manage to get some time to yourself to have a wee think about what you want and that you manage to put some plans into action. It's times like this that the whole diet thing doesn't seem so important. Obviously best we try to stay on track but I think we should be a little bit more forgiving of ourselves if it doesn't quite happen! x