Morning peeps, I weighed this morning and only 1lb on this week not bad for holiday weekAm feeling positive about this week, let's make March a good result
Morning peeps, I weighed this morning and only 1lb on this week not bad for holiday weekAm feeling positive about this week, let's make March a good result
Well done!
You're on a rollx
Still no start datex
Binks what backpay? Do your employers owe you money?
I have to back pay my national insurance x
When I did Bodyshop at home I managed to register as self employed it was a bloody faf though sorry I know that doesn't help but I do think you can reg as self employed, I wouldn't like all that hassle either, are you still looking for non-nanny jobs? Xx
Have you tried speaking to the dwp for advice? You can pay national insurance voluntarily via direct debit. The tax office needs to know that you are earning even if it is below your tax allowance x
Have a look on here. ...
You could suggest your employer looks at this too. As you are only working for them they are your employer x
Hiya Waffle, I tried to register as a self employed nanny and it said in order to be a self employed Nanny i have to work for more than one family, which i don't, so i spoke to the family and said i would need to be employed by them and for the pay to go through a nanny pay website which will make sure my tax (there won't be any as i earn too little) and national insurance is paid, i asked that they back date the amount they have paid me as i need them to count towards my pension, i spoke to them about all of this at Christmas and at each pay day since, they said they were sorting it out and now they are saying they have looked it up and don't need to do anything? I am so confused and am now googling to see what to do as i can't register and truthfully would like it to go through a nanny pay website so that i know it is all sorted, i am in a pickle waffle x x I am still looking for other jobs, either set nanny days or admin assistant roles which will be employed so i wont need to have this confusion x