Today we walked to TKMAX and bought the bf two shirts for work, a knife block as ours need replacing and a new chopping board
We walked back and I went shopping in town, I got a meatloaf in sauce, chicken in a sauce and two bottles of organic milk all reduced in Waitrose, I love a bargain

I got my cleaning products and food for the next few days, I also got us both sushi meal deals from boots for lunch tomorrow

carrying it all home was really hard as I got more than I realised and the bf had gone home to rest from our walk lol x
I have so much cleaning to do but feeling really tired today, I think it is all the walking the last week and when I am going to bed I am having really bad nightmares and then I punch the bf in the face and wake up to him shouting at me, I don't know what to do to stop it really
I had planned to cook cod, SW chips and veg for dinner but we decided to have a dominos instead, the difference is only 200 calories and tomorrow I have a healthy day planned and I need to paint the shed and do all the strimming of the garden so will be active again so hoping it won't make me gain x