Birmingham Meet April 24th & 25th

The thing with meets and getting people to agree to a day is that you can never please all the people all the time!

I agree with Sharon in that not everyone will be going to all the meets planned - so if we suggest a month that clashes with another meet - although not the same date! - we may have to do that.

I'm happy to go back to earlier in the year - February anyone??!!! (but not 27th!!)
March or April would get my vote.

Me too. Gives me time to save up :)

I'm still uncertain about Belfast anyway. Much as I had a great time there last year I'm really not sure I can justify the cost again. I'll have to decide nearer the time, but Birmingham is far more 'do-able' for me.
The Belfast meet at the moment looks like a biggie, a lot of people on the list for that one. What other options are there in April?

Yeah there are a lot of names although a fair amount are 'maybes' still, so (like all meets) there will be drop-outs nearer the time I suspect.

As for April, what about one of the two weekends after Easter :confused:
Looks like April is the most popular month, going by the vote. Must admit I quite liked the idea of January because it is closer and because it would cheer up a very dull month no end. Just one suggestion, the main reason people were against the original January date was because it was too close to Christmas, but how about considering Friday 30th/Sat 31st January, which will be pay day for most???
Looks like April is the most popular month, going by the vote. Must admit I quite liked the idea of January because it is closer and because it would cheer up a very dull month no end. Just one suggestion, the main reason people were against the original January date was because it was too close to Christmas, but how about considering Friday 30th/Sat 31st January, which will be pay day for most???

That would certainly be better for me than the middle of the month :D:D:D
have just said on the poll thresd that April or later would be good for me (selfish reasons ) but don't let me influence the decission
I will go along with whatever date is decided, but I may not be able to come, depends on treatment schedules. BUT you can definitely expect me if it doesn't interrupt the schedule x x x x
how about considering Friday 30th/Sat 31st January,

That's a possibility for me - even though it is only one week after a certain person's 40th birthday party ;)

It's also the weekend nearest my own birthday too (27th), but I would still prefer April I think - not least because Brum meets have ALWAYS been in April before .. and it gives me summink to look forward to :D
OK, sounds like April it is. Let's have a go at actual dates. Easter Sunday is 12th April (guess who bought a 2009 calendar the other day), so when are the school hols?

What's the vote on:

Friday/Sat 3rd/4th April


Friday 24th/Sat 25th April?
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