Best thing to slow the absorbption of alcohol is fat. Cheese actually used to be used by undercover spies before going to dinner parties to help them stay more sober.
If you had cheese on toast for dinner it would give you a reasonable lining (make sure to use lots o cheese
) and the carbohydrates in the bread would pull you out of ketosis for the night.
People on here seem to follow the lipotrim to the exact letter and anything that deters from it they think will make it not work. Quite contrary actually, the lipotrim diet is a general advice and can be shaped to how you want.
If you find this works for you then so be it. You know that its could be dangerous but as you know this youll be aware of what your doing more.
The refeed is ONLY their to stop you gaining glycogen and water. FACT. Their is no other reason for it. The slow introduction of carbohydrates is evidence of this. Its not to "slowly bring you out of ketosis" their is nothing that would do that. Your either in ketosis or not. End of.
Sorry if I'm being blunt here but its just the way it is. People seem to think that a refeed would be best for you without looking at the situation, realising that no matter what your going to do it anyway (lol) and then advising a weeks refeed to stop you gaining the liquid for one night... Well. Alcohol will dehydrate you anyway. You WILL put weight on from even the food being in your body, and nothing will stop that other than trying to prepare corectly for it.
A week refeed would not be beneficial in this instance. The only advantage would possibly be pulling out of ketosis the night before, and then carbing up during the day. And this isnt necessarily a bad thing as the PROPPER ketogenic diets, rather than VLC diets advise a carb up period while doing it to be safe.
No matter what, make sure that your safe. And as your aware of that and read about it, you'll be fine IMO. Just take it easy and have a good time