Gold Member
Well... I made a chilli then went to bed... slept like a log but woke as I have every morning since Monday, with a flashback to crash,... hmm.... need to try and do something about that I reckon... not quite sure what, but will think of summut... 
Woke up way before the alarm at 6.30 and have cleared the spare room so at least 1 guest tonight will have a bed to sleep in... I have to vac and polish yet, but all the washing is done and hung up to dry and the kitchen's not looking too bad... my room looks lush for the first time in years! I spent hours the other week having a real blitz. My thinking is... I may end up spending a fair amount of time sleeping and 'resting' (me? resting? WTF!!)... so I want the space I sleep in to be as restful as possible. I just have a bit of ironing (blah!) to do and put a few bits away and that's that done too...
Hospital bag is beginning to fill... knickers, bedsocks, hot water bottle (yes, really, I get so cold I reckon if I takes me botty in they just might let me use it on me feet!) ... either that or I try and sneak me lekky blanky in! ... hmmm.. there's an idea.... anyhow... knickers... etc... 3 robes (2 very light, one warm, 5 nightshirts, soft cardigan, toiletries... ah now... my mate Shaz from the bike club gave me a lovely prezzie of Dove wash stuff... and new towel and face cloth! Dead thoughtful - made me cry... (am a tad emotional at the mo)... I need to take in me shredded wheat, sweetner, fibre89, seedless grapes, muller lights... lol.. I told the nurse when I went for my pre-op ... LOW fat, LOW carb diet thank you very much! She sort of grimaced at me and shook her head.. lol She has NO idea what it has taken to get to this point,.,.. and,.. despite the last 3 days foodfest I've had, I ain't screwing this up now!!
As for the accounts.. I can see them sitting expectantly on the desk in my study... I might glance at them tomorrow afternoon when I have a couple of hours.. although I still need to do a food shop for Zoe and see if I can get a soft bra to wear in hosp... there's no way these yukky spaniels ears are hanging free even if I am in NHS combats!!
Right... time to get on... lads are on their way down from oop north and I need to get some petrol... and coke zero.
Blimey... in 48 hours I'll be sitting with me bum hanging out the back of one of those alluring surgical gown type things!! Eeeek!!!
Woke up way before the alarm at 6.30 and have cleared the spare room so at least 1 guest tonight will have a bed to sleep in... I have to vac and polish yet, but all the washing is done and hung up to dry and the kitchen's not looking too bad... my room looks lush for the first time in years! I spent hours the other week having a real blitz. My thinking is... I may end up spending a fair amount of time sleeping and 'resting' (me? resting? WTF!!)... so I want the space I sleep in to be as restful as possible. I just have a bit of ironing (blah!) to do and put a few bits away and that's that done too...
Hospital bag is beginning to fill... knickers, bedsocks, hot water bottle (yes, really, I get so cold I reckon if I takes me botty in they just might let me use it on me feet!) ... either that or I try and sneak me lekky blanky in! ... hmmm.. there's an idea.... anyhow... knickers... etc... 3 robes (2 very light, one warm, 5 nightshirts, soft cardigan, toiletries... ah now... my mate Shaz from the bike club gave me a lovely prezzie of Dove wash stuff... and new towel and face cloth! Dead thoughtful - made me cry... (am a tad emotional at the mo)... I need to take in me shredded wheat, sweetner, fibre89, seedless grapes, muller lights... lol.. I told the nurse when I went for my pre-op ... LOW fat, LOW carb diet thank you very much! She sort of grimaced at me and shook her head.. lol She has NO idea what it has taken to get to this point,.,.. and,.. despite the last 3 days foodfest I've had, I ain't screwing this up now!!
As for the accounts.. I can see them sitting expectantly on the desk in my study... I might glance at them tomorrow afternoon when I have a couple of hours.. although I still need to do a food shop for Zoe and see if I can get a soft bra to wear in hosp... there's no way these yukky spaniels ears are hanging free even if I am in NHS combats!!
Right... time to get on... lads are on their way down from oop north and I need to get some petrol... and coke zero.
Blimey... in 48 hours I'll be sitting with me bum hanging out the back of one of those alluring surgical gown type things!! Eeeek!!!