My beautiful friends Lucy and Pete were married this afternoon in her room in the hospital. They were surrounded by family and a handful of their closest friends. The rest of us waiting for news in the hospital Chapel and, when we heard they were pronounced husband and wife we all cheered. Then there were 2 simultaneous communion services - 1 in her room and 1 in the chapel. It was the most poignant and emotional communion services I have ever been in. I did one of the readings - at the start of the service, and, managed to get the construction workers on the adjacent site to stop for half an hour so we could do Lucy and Pete justice in a peaceful environment. They were very sweet and did so willingly. After the service we all took it in turn to go up to the ward, sign their wedding guest book and see the happy couple together. Everyone managed to keep it together in front of the pair of them, but the second we got out of earshot and sight we were all awash.
It was so so so sad and I felt truly honoured to have had the chance to see them. I am sad not to have been able to witness the blessing but those of us who were in the chapel shared memories and a few chuckles whilst we waited.
Lucy drifted in and out of consciousness and the day exhausted her, she was incredibly brave, and I noticed that they have taken out the chest drain, her drips and canulars.
We all are acutely aware that it is only probably a matter of hours.
In their original wedding invitations they asked for donations towards a Classroom for Oxfam (total cost £1700). I promised them today that it will happen. To this end, I have arranged, on their original wedding date of July 16th, a fundraiser/celebration/party. There will be a classroom for Oxfam by the end of it. I made a promise to my dying friend and her husband and, as anyone who knows me knows, I do not break my promises and I never make them lightly.
My lovely Lucy will soon be gone but, just like our darling Sarah, she will never ever ever be forgotten or far from our thoughts.