Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Oh Jen, my heart goes out to you it really does and I will be thinking of you tomorrow. You will do your mum proud ,that I am sure of !!
Thinking of you, Jennie.

If you feel you cannot read the Memories from the Grandchildren perhaps one of your friends would read it for you. You dont need to put yourself under that pressure at this time. If the grandchildren cannot do it, a friend might cope better.

big ((((hugs))))

Pam xxx
There's no way I'd have been able to do a reading at either my Mum or Dad's funerals. My daughter did one though. You're highly emotional now (understandably so) try and take the easy route where possible.

Good to hear that Shrek's moving out.... it's the right thing for all concerned, very painful though it is. He'll find someone to comfort him.

You've been such a rock through all of this.... I'll be thinking of you tomorrow... bless you xxx
I forgot to say.... my Mum was definitely 'with us' at her funeral, I heard her singing to her favourite Vera Lynn song... We'll Meet Again.... my Dad met her again 6 months later.... Love transcends death... your Mum and Stepdad will definitely be dancing together now xx
Well, I did it.. I got my head into gear and finished the "memories frome the grandchildren" thing and it's going to be fine.. I'll be fine... I have to read the final poem of the funeral "She is gone"... it is the one I read at my nana's funeral and, 2 years ago on the 23rd, at my darling stepdad's funeral too... it is a lovely poem and you can't help but smile when you get to the end...

I know it is going to be enormously difficult to read at all... but my mum asked me to.. and I promised her I would, so I shall...

After all... I have time after tomorrow to weep and wail and fall apart... if, indeed, I do...

I have been leaning on RB for lots of support and he has been amazing.. more on him another day.. but I know one thing.. my mother thought he was wonderful all those years ago, and , she would still think the same... me? I thought he was boring and a rubbish kisser.. lol... my how times change!!!! ;oP

So - funeral planned, photos displays done, flowers finished - sis has done an incredible job of those - orders of service picked up by vicar, cd collected by vicar... WI doing all the teas after the service... car full of petrol... funeral clothes in wardrobe... charity envelopes all written on and inserted into orders of service... and.. how my mum would love this... the Earl of Buckingham is coming tomorrow!! oooooh... I say... how terribly powsh is that!!

I had to chuckle when the vicar came this morning and she said how her "boss" had asked if he should perhaps cancel his appointments tomorrow and be there as representative of the church (this is because he is a typical stuffed shirt, impressed by titles...) and I laughed and she said.. well.. he is aware of his importance and status and likes to underline it... LOL I thought that was classic!

So.. we are about as ready as we can be until everyone arrives tomorrow... and the house is freezing as the flowers need to be kept cold so - no heating on downstairs at all... doors and windows open too! BBBBBRRRRRRR! They do look stunning though... will put a pic on sometime of them... sis has done an awesome job.. really awesome. Mum would be so proud.

Photos are of mum and my dad's wedding.. Charlie her dog (now mine), Me and mum on my graduation day in Nov 1997, and me and mum in Trinidad in 2008 (I think)..


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Photos are lovely Jennie, it is nice to know Charlie has a new home with look so like your Mum, especially the one of her on her wedding day, just beautiful.

The flowers are fabulous, your sister did a great job!
Pics are lovely & the flowers are beautiful

You will be in my prayers tomorrow especially

Oh Jennie I am blown away by how much you look like your mum! I bet a few people will be looking at you tomorrow and seeing her so strongly in you - that is lovely:) The flowers are beautiful. I will be thinking about you tomorrow with love x Also, you have no need to worry about G moving out. I think it is perfectly reasonable to want your home and your emotional and physical space back now that your relationship has ended. I imagine he also knows this, and is just trying to hang on. This is not terribly fair of him, and in my opinion certainly not something else you should give any worry to on top of everything else that you have going on.
Big love x x x
The flowers are beautiful and thanks for sharing your lovely photos with us. I will be thinking of you today xxx
You are the image of your mum, and didn't she look a lovely lady. Loved Charlie too.

You know, last Christmas was the first without our daughter and we went from a fun family with carols playing non-stop and every inch decorated to just a pair of OAP's. But Christmas wasn't as bad as we thought. We had dreaded it and when it came, we took one day at a time and got through it and so will you. Grit your teeth and just think of mum and the happy times, yes they will be painful but there will also be very happy and nostalgic memories.

When our daughter died we started a memory box. We put little things in it that were hers loads of photos and we asked people to send us photos, video clips & anecdotes about her. Just silly little things they remember she did, and how she touched their lives and we got a lot of comfort from that, they were so much nicer than all the sympathy cards
Good morning Jennie, my thoughts are with you today xx
Thinking of you today Jennie. xxxxx
Thinking of you today Jennie, you and your sister have done your mum proud. I have fond memories of 'Blue Spanish Eyes' too, it was played at a friend's auntie's funeral a few years ago (I was very close to her as we shared the same birthdate and she used to say we were "2 pearls from the same oyster" because our birthstone is Pearl) xxxxx