Well, I did it.. I got my head into gear and finished the "memories frome the grandchildren" thing and it's going to be fine.. I'll be fine... I have to read the final poem of the funeral "She is gone"... it is the one I read at my nana's funeral and, 2 years ago on the 23rd, at my darling stepdad's funeral too... it is a lovely poem and you can't help but smile when you get to the end...
I know it is going to be enormously difficult to read at all... but my mum asked me to.. and I promised her I would, so I shall...
After all... I have time after tomorrow to weep and wail and fall apart... if, indeed, I do...
I have been leaning on RB for lots of support and he has been amazing.. more on him another day.. but I know one thing.. my mother thought he was wonderful all those years ago, and , she would still think the same... me? I thought he was boring and a rubbish kisser.. lol... my how times change!!!! ;oP
So - funeral planned, photos displays done, flowers finished - sis has done an incredible job of those - orders of service picked up by vicar, cd collected by vicar... WI doing all the teas after the service... car full of petrol... funeral clothes in wardrobe... charity envelopes all written on and inserted into orders of service... and.. how my mum would love this... the Earl of Buckingham is coming tomorrow!! oooooh... I say... how terribly powsh is that!!
I had to chuckle when the vicar came this morning and she said how her "boss" had asked if he should perhaps cancel his appointments tomorrow and be there as representative of the church (this is because he is a typical stuffed shirt, impressed by titles...) and I laughed and she said.. well.. he is aware of his importance and status and likes to underline it... LOL I thought that was classic!
So.. we are about as ready as we can be until everyone arrives tomorrow... and the house is freezing as the flowers need to be kept cold so - no heating on downstairs at all... doors and windows open too! BBBBBRRRRRRR! They do look stunning though... will put a pic on sometime of them... sis has done an awesome job.. really awesome. Mum would be so proud.
Photos are of mum and my dad's wedding.. Charlie her dog (now mine), Me and mum on my graduation day in Nov 1997, and me and mum in Trinidad in 2008 (I think)..