Look away if feeling down - this ain't a cheery post!
I'm so glad this week is over and the weekend has arrived.
Last night Zoe and I took the dog out for a walk and bumped into Pub Quiz Man - he barely drew breath before scurrying off into the distance. When I told Zoe who he was she was really shocked and said - "HIM??? He's PQM??" lol and said that I was mad to be interested in him as he was "old and fat"! lolol Bless - she is only 18 after all... and, for the record... he's only 46 and, yeah, so he's a bit cuddly but so what! Anyway - he's not interested.. lol.. so it matters not!
I slept like a log until Zoe's boyfriend came in from work at 3.30am! I must remember to tell her to not put the landing light on at that time of night as it was that which woke me. I daren't wear the ear plugs anymore as she is still feeling light-headed. She checked with a pee stick and is DEFINTELY in ketosis so is very happy
Ailsa gave her some to start her off..
She's doing well but is very bored and seems to be getting to grips with quite a few of the arcade games now
We've cleared out the fridge (apart from what Sarah will be eating tonight and tomorrow first thing) and so all we will have in the fridge from tomorrow is bottles of Asda sugar free appleade and Perfectly Clear (which we are going to stock up on tonight I think).
Was thinking of taking the dog out again tonight - different route though as not wanting to bump into Mr PQM. Am tired though.
Anyway.. got up at 6.30 and made it to work in time and steamed into things there. There were messages on the answerphone, which I had to wait to deal with as it was only 8am, and one was a particularly snotty one from a woman in another town.. she was chasing up the newsletters (which are now 3 weeks late) and I left an equally snotty message back on her answerphone telling her that she would get them when they were done! That sort of set the tone for the morning. My friend Rachael came in and took one look at me and I burst into tears. I was a mess! I sobbed about the leak, about Tim, about Zoe, about work, oh heck, I sobbed about everything! I told her how far behind I was in things and how much of a failure I felt.. I told her how tired I was of being useless and inadequate... how after a fantastic weekend I'd had one of the worst weeks ever.. I told her how I wanted to ring Tim to ask him to help with the leak, but couldn't because I can't cope with hearing his voice again, let alone asking him to help me. I told her how rejected and dejected I still felt from his leaving me, and how I thought I was over all that.. and clearly I'm not.. I sobbed and sniffled about my worries about Zoe.. about my worries about the house, about the leak, about the neighbours having a 40th birthday party and not being invited and how I felt excluded because of it... I told her how fat I feel and how much I hate being fat and want not to have to do this diet any more... Lordy. , the floodgates opened and stuff I didn't even realise I felt was pouring out of me!! I told her how inept at work I felt and how there was so much to think about at both jobs that I can't seem to DO anything!! I told her how I don't think I can cope any more with everything and don't know what to tackle first. I told her how my heart is still broken and that whilst I hate being alone, I don't think I shall ever meet a man who will truly want me and love me the way I need to be wanted and loved (whatever the feck that meant!!!)... all this in the matter of , oooh, 10 mins max! (which gives you an idea of the rate of sob,sniff, speech that was taking place!!)
I sent out a 'help me' email to someone who is lovely and knows how to do the financial stuff that I have been avoiding doing coz I can't get my head 'round it... and another to the guy who leads the finance group to tell him I quit and can't do it anymore.. I sent another to someone telling them not to pressurise me... and another to someone complaining about the lack of tickets to a very important ministerial event!! (I was less than tolerant in that one!!)...
My friend was lovely. She hugged me and told me that I had to tell my boss how I was feeling and that she will come in to help me on Monday. She also was very very kind and loving (as she always is).. and told me that I had to ask for help or she was worried I would have a physical and mental break down. I told her it was just a bad week and a time of adjustment and if I could just get back on top of things it would be fine. I believe that too.
After she left, I rang my boss and told him I needed to talk to him... I broke down as I was on the phone and he came into the office an hour later. We talked (pretty much the same as I said to my friend) and he was a dream! He talked to me about bereavement and how the way I was feeling about Tim was just like the emotions of bereavement.. we talked about the diet.. he said he was amazed that I managed to continue with it during all this... and I explained how it was the ONLY part of my life I have any real control over and that it was, actually, probably the easiest thing right now - that said, I just made Sarah a load of food for her marathon journey tomorrow and would quite cheerfully have shoved a wadge of ham and cheese down me neck! - . He explained that although I may not be completely over Tim, that I have made fantastic progress and that normally the things that seem impossible at the moment (ie the newsletter) I usually take in my stride and that it's simply circumstances and not that I am in any sense a failure... he was lovely to me and very understanding. We talked about how hard it is to admit when you are struggling, and how much easier it is to get bogged down than to put up your hand and ask for help... we talked about the recent changes in my life.. the money worries... my concerns about my girls.. the house.. and now the leak..
We talked about all of it. I cried some more. He told me that he understood that right now, with all that's going on, there is no comfort for me from what would have been my usual source... food or Tim. When he said about the lack of real comforting it hit a real nerve - he is right. Whilst I have friends, and they are lovely, they don't 'comfort' me. I used to have food as comfort and that's gone now.. and I'm not revisiting it because 10 minutes of comfort will lead to months of 'dis'comfort!
So... we agreed.. I just plod on and do what I can as and when I can. He tried to organise a plumber but we couldn't... we prioritised things (as I seem incapable even of that today!) and I got lots more done than I thought I would or could've. Then it was time to go to job 2!
I gathered myself together and went in ... it was ok. The afternoon flew past - there is so much to do there, no time for any dwelling on things.. constantly thinking of things.. it was the lady who's leaving , her final day. I took in a gift for her.. she has been lovely and so helpful (despite the rank breath and very dated processes) and I'm sure she has equipped me as best she possibly can. She seems confident that I can fill her shoes... I hope her confidence isn't misplaced!
I got home around 6.15pm and have done the dishwasher and seen that there is post to be dealt with for the festival. Zoe and I are going to Asda tonight to get the drinks.. I might take the dog out first just to get some fresh air and a bit of exercise. It also knackers the dog out which means he is less likely to be up late in the night!
I was supposed to go out with Sarah tonight and Trudy (from the pub) but I cried off, I'm too tired and way too emotional. I look rubbish and we (Sarah, Zoe and I) are supposed to be having our photo taken together so I have an uptodate pic of us all together. The last one was at my neice's wedding 2 Septembers back..
Sorry - this has been a right miserable post, but it's how my day has gone thus far... oh.. I tried calling another plumber without success and the water continues to drip through the loft.. and I feel fat and useless and totally inept and inadequate and fed up.. and I just moaned and whinges at Ailsa on the phone too and am in tears again!
...apart from that...life's ace!