

If possible hun, could you do me a halloween blinkie with this bear - same as your other one with 2 stone on. thank youuuuuuuuuu xxx
Sure thing chicklet. Will take me a few days but will start working on them as soon as I post up Kilobel's :)
LOL here's hoping, eh? :D
Kilobel, I've been working on yours this afternoon and was just about to post it up when I tested it and realised a huge mistake in the animation so I'll fix it and get it to you tonight - sorry about the wait babe!

Also, still taking requests...

Currently working on:

Kilobel - in progress...
Vickie_L (Halloween) - queued
Vickie_L (Christmas) - queued
Kilobel - I've finished your blinkie hun. Here it is:


If there is anything on it that you would like changed just let me know :)

Currently working on:

Kilobel - COMPLETE
Vickie_L (Halloween) - in progress...
Vickie_L (Christmas) - queued
Vickie, your Halloween one is done :)


Let me know if it's okay hun x

Kilobel - COMPLETE
Vickie_L (Halloween) - COMPLETE
Vickie_L (Christmas) - COMPLETE
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And your Christmas one :)

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I'm really proud of those Tatty Teddy ones even if I do say so myself :)
wow they are really good!
Awww, thank you you two! :eek: I'm still learning so I hope to get better soon! :D

Made myself one but don't really like it... not sure why yet though...


Not too sure to be honest, maybe it's all the primary colours lol. It's growing on me though :)

Made one for Medea though it's not great as I'm tired. Also it's not the one she asked for, I was just messing about ;)

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Okay, just one last one...


oh im gonna steal that one :D
Just bumping as Kilobel is now online - Your blinkie is done hun

Can I be cheeky and ask for a She-Ra one please??? I love those blinkies and wouldnt know the first thing about making them, is it hard?

Thanks hunny and ps. I love Rainbow Brite!
Of course you can hun :) Tonight I'm working on a load of blank templates so once I get a chance I'll start on yours. If you could though, it would be a great help if you find the image you'd like on it otherwise I might make a bad choice :)