Blood pressure


Silver Member
Need a bit of advice, was going great guns but over the weekend started feeling really tired, not able to do anything but wanting to sleep all the time. As I work in a hospital got my blood pressure checked and it was on the high side, its always normal usually. The nurse said could be the
Stress of the day cos it was late afternoon and he will check it again on weds am and pm. Just wondering if anyone has this problem
al30 said:
Need a bit of advice, was going great guns but over the weekend started feeling really tired, not able to do anything but wanting to sleep all the time. As I work in a hospital got my blood pressure checked and it was on the high side, its always normal usually. The nurse said could be the
Stress of the day cos it was late afternoon and he will check it again on weds am and pm. Just wondering if anyone has this problem


I have been feeling tied and wanted to sleep. I like to be in bed alot just think it's getting use to less calories and detox from eating rubbish xx hope you feel better x
Thanks got it tested again and it was fine