Blue is my favourite colour..... Lexies journey

Best of luck. Didn't get time to do my weigh in this morning so will do it in morning too

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Another 0.8kg off which I've called 2lbs although it's really 1.76 so I'll have to round down next week. Am happy with that & am thinking wish I could do 3 classes a week every week but it's just not do-able. Oh well onwards & downwards x
Whoop whoop well done! Knew you'd do well! X
Well done Lexie x x
We will all be made of iron at the end of our journeys lol x
I wish every little knock made me stronger! You are doing so amazingly well tho Lex :)
Lots of lovely people coming up at work & asking about my weight loss which is an amazing feeling. Was silly tonight though when cooking tea & ate loads of haribo, in fact I think inhaled better describes what I did. It was busy at work & didn't get to eat all my lunch in 10 mins so I was hungry. Was still within calories though
Even though we are doing this for ourselves and not other people, it always feels good when they notice :)

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