5:2 lover
Hope your problem at work resolves itself
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Yeah all sorted now thanks xx
Hope your problem at work resolves itself
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Well totm has arrived & my weight is going down so I'm happy.... Got a bit of a problem at work which is making me feel sick so don't feel much like eating this morning but will take some breakfast with me. Zumba tonight which will hopefully take some of my stress away....
So glad I'm back on track. Don't get me wrong I'm still missing the naughty food but I feel so much healthier. I'd been struggling to poo & my wind was poisonous (sorry tmi) but now I'm back to normal.
Haven't been on the scales for a couple of days am trying not to til mid week & am hoping by Friday with a good week of exercise I'll be back down towards my lowest cos I now only have 8 weeks til I want to be at goal.....
That's brilliant - well done! xWoop woop 11:9 this morning which considering a week ago they read 12:2 I'm thrilled with!!!! Some of it was clearly totm weight though
Woop woop 11:9 this morning which considering a week ago they read 12:2 I'm thrilled with!!!! Some of it was clearly totm weight though
Well the scales were my friend this morning & were reading 11:6:6 which is back to my lowest & what I weighed in at on 30/11 so I am hoping they may still say the same tomorrow.... Haven't been around again much, sorry, hope to be back properly soon, just have a few things to deal with at the mo but all will be fine x
Weigh in is 11:5:4 so I am really pleased with that, nearly there & back on the wagon after a couple of months of slipping & clawing my way back on.....
Woop wooploving your scales..