Thanks ladies, I will wait til nearer the time and come and ask for your fashion advice
I'm just excited at getting to dress girly lol
Well today my breath stinks/tastes foul and no one will come near me!!!
So I'm guessing the K fairy has visited me.
Still not feeling hungry which is great. At times I feel like I want to eat but that's not because I'm hungry, it's because it's what I would normally be doing when I was watching tv or something, so a habit really.
It's my totm and I'm annoyed about that.
Every time I start a vlcd, in the first week my totm arrives. I've been told it's to do with hormones and whatnot.
I'm annoyed because this happened last time I did exante and I had my first weigh in and didn't lose a single pound, I was so upset and just dont want that to happen again this time.
Gggrrrr to periods!