BMI 25 can i still do ss as i have been

I just want to verify something, if, according to my plan, I hit BMI 27 on the 06th Jan will I be forced onto something else? Also, I should hit BMI 25 early in Febraury, are you allowed to SS then? My target weight takes my BMI to 21 which I am hoping to get to my mid-March, can I insist on SS until then?

Bit worried now :confused: :(
Hi Miss Piggy, are you doing Cambridge or LL? If you are doing CD, then you will have to start adding food from BMI27 as mentioned above.
Hi Miss Piggy, are you doing Cambridge or LL? If you are doing CD, then you will have to start adding food from BMI27 as mentioned above.

Hi D_Q !!

Now I'm confused :confused: On another thread it said that if you started SS-ing on CD with a BMI of more than 27, you could SS until you got to BMI 25...said that you're not allowed to SS if your STARTING BMI is less than 27....

can you help....please........?


jeez...they don't make this easy do they!!??? can someone please bring this up at the conference tomorrow and get Alan to send out an email e-alert thingie or something with it.
jeez...they don't make this easy do they!!??? can someone please bring this up at the conference tomorrow and get Alan to send out an email e-alert thingie or something with it.

Good thinkin Nicole.....thanx hun ;)

That would be an excellent idea. Generally speaking I tell my clients they can SS down to 27, then it takes approx 6 weeks to go through the stabilisation in which time they generally lose another stone.

Would be very handy to have something official and simple!

What does the 6 week satbilisation involve...dy mean the steps up 790,1000 etc?


You start with 790, 1000, 1200 and finally 1500. You should try to do a minimum of 2 weeks on each step,and it's always there for you to go back a step if you feel uncomfortable or out of control. :)

Re-reading this I think is as clear as can be:


It is confusing. The rule is anyone with less than a stone over BMI25 should not do a VLCD that is SS, AAM and 790.

So if you are BMI 27 you need to have food.


So basically, even if you want to start CD on a BMI of 27 or less, you can't do SS, AAM or 790.

Hope that clears things up, and thanks Linda :)

Re-reading this I think is as clear as can be:

So basically, even if you want to start CD on a BMI of 27 or less, you can't do SS, AAM or 790.

Hope that clears things up, and thanks Linda :)

Thanx DQ - think I get it when I get to BMI 27...I need to start having that it ?


YAY !!! I'm on AAM from today and will (hopefully) lose THAT MEANS I start MAINTENANCE NEXT WEEK !!!


Thanx for your help hun.....;) ur fab !

thought you'd be at the conference.....??


On LL you can go without food until such a time that you feel comfortable in between BMI 22-27. There is no adding food whatsoever until you do maintenance - then you follow a 12 week program of introducing a different food group each week to see what your "trigger foods" are. First week is just white and green, another is cheese, another is alcohol, another is carbs etc. Some people continue to lose over the period some don't - personally I would do whatever your handbook & councllr instruct you to do, depending on what program you are following.
I'd like to know this too!