Body Analysis Scale... Has anyone used one???


Full Member
As the title says. I really like the look of the body analysis scales that tell you your, fat, muscle, water.

I think when your also exercising to lose weight something like this could be vital as you eventually build muscle, but might feel your not losing weight. Although you feel/look better.

I just want to know how do they really work? Do they work? Are they worth spending the money on?

Thanks guys :)
Hi KrazyKell, I've heard nothing but good things about them, the only thing I find off putting about them is the price for a decent one is pretty high, and for a fraction of that cost you can go places and get all these measurements taken if not free in some places. but I'm sure they can be really motivational to know that your hard work is turning into muscle and everything still moving in the right direction.

I bought a cheap Salters body analysis scales. They are okay for ready body weight and calculate BMI, but the water and fat content changes a lot even after two consecutive weigh-ins! I guess they are okay for a general idea but I would recommend them for anyone.