Sorry to be the voice of doom and gloom here but you should be aware that us ladies need a certain level of bodyfat to maintain a healthy menstrual cycle.
It is not unheard of for females with a bodyfat % of sub 18% to have their cycles stop. It is the bodies own way of letting you know it isnt at a weight it is happy with.QUOTE]
Hi Boogaloo - yes I had heard that really skinny people (and athletes like marathon runners) sometimes stop menstruating as their bodies are a bit unimpressed by that punishment! Don't worry I have no intention of doing that - I think our bodies are pretty good at giving us clear signs!
I'm keeping an eye on all the vital signs and making sure I go slow and steady, and am feeling at my best. Much as I'm no fan of my menstrual cycle I would be VERY worried if it wasn't there
Sorry if that's TMI for the gents on here!