Silver Member
Oh uggh!
See, I've been using Complan for my breakfasts, as I find it hard to eat in the mornings. A chocolate Complan is quick and easy to make, tastes nice and because it's a drink I don't find it difficult to take first thing.
(Yes, you can lose weight using Complan. I have! Their website mentions weight loss as a valid use. Made with water, one shake is 247cals, not that much more than other shakes- Exante is 215 I think? Ultra Slim certainly is.)
I use Complan because it's cheaper than Slimfast or other diet products. But then I heard about Tesco Ultra Slim, which is even cheaper and currently on offer. So this morning, after a yummy Complan shake, I did 15 minutes of jogging for C25k, then cycled (I don't have a car) over to the big Tesco, and brought back a big tub of chocolate Ultra Slim. "I'll try one for lunch." I thought to myself.
Nom nom nom.
Yuk. :jelous:
I really do not like it. It doesn't taste of chocolate. Oh it's brown, sure, but that's about it. And despite frantic mixing with a fork it had great lumps of what tasted like vitamin C in it.
Now I have a huge tub of the stuff, 10 more shakes to get through.
There really is no such thing as a free- or even just a cheap- lunch. Back to the Complan for me. Never mind.
See, I've been using Complan for my breakfasts, as I find it hard to eat in the mornings. A chocolate Complan is quick and easy to make, tastes nice and because it's a drink I don't find it difficult to take first thing.
(Yes, you can lose weight using Complan. I have! Their website mentions weight loss as a valid use. Made with water, one shake is 247cals, not that much more than other shakes- Exante is 215 I think? Ultra Slim certainly is.)
I use Complan because it's cheaper than Slimfast or other diet products. But then I heard about Tesco Ultra Slim, which is even cheaper and currently on offer. So this morning, after a yummy Complan shake, I did 15 minutes of jogging for C25k, then cycled (I don't have a car) over to the big Tesco, and brought back a big tub of chocolate Ultra Slim. "I'll try one for lunch." I thought to myself.

Yuk. :jelous:

I really do not like it. It doesn't taste of chocolate. Oh it's brown, sure, but that's about it. And despite frantic mixing with a fork it had great lumps of what tasted like vitamin C in it.
Now I have a huge tub of the stuff, 10 more shakes to get through.
There really is no such thing as a free- or even just a cheap- lunch. Back to the Complan for me. Never mind.