Book Club


Still not finished it but quite along way through, so will definitely be ready to discuss starting Oct 9th (Monday.)

Anybody got another one lined up?
Hope ity's ok to join you all. I finished Little Face earlier, and really enoyed it. :)

I need something new to read now, as I'm lost without it! LOL

Kitty xxx
I really enjoyed little face although i had my suspicions about the mother inlaw from the beginning and even metioned it in one of my earlier threads. Found the ending abit weak actually, the whole scene in the health club was abit unrealistic i thought, but just my opinion. Also not quite sure about the relevance with the Dectective and all that business at the party etc because we still never found out what his problem was. Also didn't have any closure on the way her husband was with the violence etc. I just found that some of it was not nessecary for the story and also they was no further referance to it. In saying all that i did enjoy the book but just found that there were alot of loose ends.

Look forward o hearing your opinions.

Love Busy XX

I have just bought a book to start its called 'A piece of cake' true story about a girl who goes into care gets into drugs etc not sure if this is the sort of thing that others like to read but might be worth a bash. I bought mine in Asda for 3.73 and have seen it in tesco as well, it is a new release so should be able to get it anywhere. I am up to other suggestions though if you don't fance that one.
Just lost all my post as had to log in again and it wouldn't allow me back to it, bummer!

So will write later
thoughts on book

In case I don't get chance this evening to join in the book club discussion here are my thoughts!
I agree with much of what Busy says, there were a lot of loose ends and I was really frustrated by not finding out what was up with the detective, what on earth was his problem with women?? I really don't see any point in throwing that into the story if the writer is not going to develop it.
Then the mother in law, well she was always suspicious and I could understand that she was a total control freak. But the son, he was soooooooooo nasty and cruel and I was shocked at him making his wife sit in a cold bath so soon after having a baby, I could feel her pain and not letting her go to the toilet...
The only clue along the way about him was that he was a designer of games which were violent and some were pornographic too, that did set off alarm bells with me, but again there was poor development of his character.
And the mother of the baby, she had such a sheltered life really, it makes me wonder if a happy, secure and sheltered childhood can possibly prepare anyone for the real world, she was so niave.
And the detective sargeant Charlie, what of her?
Another strange one...
Must dash, but look forward to your thoughts.

I also enjoyed the book but as has been said already found the ending a bit weak. It seemed to kind of wind down and then grind to a halt, all a bit wishy washy. I was left wanting to know just a bit more about some of the characters and the part they played. Lots of storylines could have been developed more or just left out as some just didn't go deep enough so just seemed pointless and irrelevant to the main story. I agree with Busy, lots of loose ends,

Although the characters were all pretty extreme I did find them believable on the whole. Perhaps with the exception of Alice herself who on the one hand seems a very weak and easily dominated person but on the other has much strength. For example, she had the drive to study and qualify as a homeopath and set up her own business. She had the confidence to investigate her suspicions about the school waiting list and make the elborate escape plan for her and Florence. Yet she was too weak to insist her and David set up home alone, she did not seem to want to forge a stronger relationship with Felix; this I find difficult to accept. She allowed Vivienne to bully and dominate her even though she had suspicions about her for some time.

I thought her relationship with David, despite the descriptive sadistic incidences which made uncomfortable reading for me, was interesting in the way it developed. He gained strength and dominance over her as he saw her own strength and confidence diminsh. Though I agree, as Busy said; it was a loose end. We didn't really get to know enough about it. Was this behaviour out of character? Had he treated Laura in a similar way? What had caused this? Maybe because he'd always been totally dominated by his mother?

Sounds like I hated it! I didn't I actually enjoyed it a lot I didn't find it 'unputtadownable' but good and entertaining just the same.

Sounds like we all felt much the same:D
A Piece of Cake Cupcake Brown

There are shelves of memoirs about overcoming the death of a parent, childhood abuse, rape, drug addiction, miscarriage, alcoholism, hustling, gangbanging, near-death injuries, drug dealing, prostitution, or homelessness.

Cupcake Brown survived all these things before she’d even turned twenty.

And that’s when things got interesting….

You have in your hands the strange, heart-wrenching, and exhilarating tale of a woman named Cupcake. It begins as the story of a girl orphaned twice over, once by the death of her mother and then again by a child welfare system that separated her from her stepfather and put her into the hands of an epically sadistic foster parent. But there comes a point in her preteen years—maybe it’s the night she first tries to run away and is exposed to drugs, alcohol, and sex all at once—when Cupcake’s story shifts from a tear-jerking tragedy to a dark comic blues opera. As Cupcake’s troubles grow, so do her voice and spirit. Her gut-punch sense of humor and eye for the absurd, along with her outsized will, carry her through a fateful series of events that could easily have left her dead.

Sounds like a good suggestion for our next book, Busy. Everyone else ok with this one?

I have to say I did enjoy the book :)

I agree that there was a lot of unnecessary information especially around the Simon and Charlie situation that just didn't seem to develop into anything relevant to the storyline.

I have to confess tho that I didn't realise until too late that it was Vivienne who committed the murder...I had David in the spotlight for that one! LOL

I didn't really like the ending, or understand the relevance of Alice disguising herself with a look of Charlie.

But, I did enjoy the read! :)

Off to order the next one :)

Kitty xxx
A Piece of Cake Cupcake Brown

There are shelves of memoirs about overcoming the death of a parent, childhood abuse, rape, drug addiction, miscarriage, alcoholism, hustling, gangbanging, near-death injuries, drug dealing, prostitution, or homelessness.

Cupcake Brown survived all these things before she’d even turned twenty.

And that’s when things got interesting….

You have in your hands the strange, heart-wrenching, and exhilarating tale of a woman named Cupcake. It begins as the story of a girl orphaned twice over, once by the death of her mother and then again by a child welfare system that separated her from her stepfather and put her into the hands of an epically sadistic foster parent. But there comes a point in her preteen years—maybe it’s the night she first tries to run away and is exposed to drugs, alcohol, and sex all at once—when Cupcake’s story shifts from a tear-jerking tragedy to a dark comic blues opera. As Cupcake’s troubles grow, so do her voice and spirit. Her gut-punch sense of humor and eye for the absurd, along with her outsized will, carry her through a fateful series of events that could easily have left her dead.

Sounds like a good suggestion for our next book, Busy. Everyone else ok with this one?

I've not read any of the others but this looks interesting Cheb... maybe I'll have a look... a good read could help me to relax more.. I really need that at the moment!!!

Sounds like I am the same as everyone else. I found it enjoyable enough that I wanted to finish it to find out what happened but not so much I have recommended it to anyone else.

It was so long ago i finished it excuse me if i can't remember the names!

I found the Charlie character a bit of a caricature and the policeman unnecessarily odd.

I also found the bullying scenes uncomfortable and the ending a bit simplistic. I do struggle with characters like Alice as my thoughts are always why on earth would someone stay in a family / relationship when they clearly aren't getting anything from it and are unlikely to in the future! I think that probably stems from my having led quite a sheltered existence and never having been in an abusive relationship.

I did enjoy though and look forward to the next one!
Looks like we all had pretty much the same cripes with 'little face'. Nice to hear everyone elses view points though. Really enjoying being part of the club, makes you think about what you are reading as well.

So are we going to read 'A piece of cake' then, if so i have mine ready and waiting,lol.

Look forward to sharing the next book with you all.
Lots of love Busy XX
Yeah, I really enjoyed the book too, despite the criticism and read it very quickly.
So on to the next one...
Thats my trouble - i forget the book by the time the discussion comes about as i have to get the book and read it immediately!!! Have just started my new Dick Francis though so will be a couple of days before i get this one.

I've got waaaayyy to much time on my hands! :)
Great, i shall start on mine straight away probably take me about 2 weeks or so to finish it. Let me know when the date for discussion is set and i shall make sure i finish it by then.

Love Busy XX
Just bought this book today in Tescos so would love to join the discussion when it happens!
The only books Im likely to be reading for a while are Psychology books and Counselling books! lol Wish I could afford the time to get lost in a Good book. But unfortunately I dont even technically have the time to be on here. I should be reading! lol!!!