Book swapping


Full Member
Anybody fancy it? If anybody is genuinely interested just get in touch :)
I use and at the minute and seem to be posting out nearly every other day!

My names pandapeepers on them if you want to have a look at my stuff :)
It's an international one, not just UK and you don't do direct swaps, you put up your list and when you give a book to someone you get points to use to get books you want. In some ways it's a lot easier but it's bit slower, people don't seem to rush to post out. I've had about 8 books from it in a month so far I think, all gone well.

You get more points for doing international post and most people use surface mail to keep costs down.

Just if you use both remember to knock any books you send out off the other list!
well rather than use a site like that...I'd rather do it personally. What kind of stuff do you read punkstarr? :) Let's hope we can swap :)
comedy, romance, thrillers....i reckon we might have a few deals to make ;)
haha i was going to promote readitswapit i am onthere as ronniejacobs and have been using them for about 4 years
lol I was going to say that "what let my precious books go to someone else" :cry:

it all sounds great but i loooove my books there mine mine mine :D