Hi Boo - looking good lovely x
I've got syn envy... I haven't got any left to eat, saying that, I don't think I've got any naughty food in either x
Hi Boo
Sorry to hear Mr Boo still feeling so rough. Hope he is okay.
Not had my tea yet, really must get off my backside and make some or I will pick at rubbish.
Enjoy your relaxing evening and your syns xxxxx
Sounds like a busy one there! I did a half day in the office and a half day with laptop at home - I could get used to this!!!
Enjoy your well deserved treat - I have a curly wurly lined up for later, mmmm!!!
I hope that as I type this that you've managed to escape the zoo (sorry, office!), have done your food shop and are on your way home for a well deservered cuppa with Mr Boo?! Perhaps a weekend of chilling will do you both good - and fingers crossed the weather is meant to be improving so perhaps lunch and a snooze in the sunshine?
My foot is definately on the mend, I had to go back for a follow up appt today and they were pleased that the toe had stayed in place and should therefore be healing now. I'm allowed to walk about abit more this week - and can try driving again when I feel ready - woo hoo!!!
Mmmm, curly wurly - dipped in tea and sucked!!! Shockingly bad manners but very yum!!!
Hi Boo
Sorry to hear Mr Boo still suffering. ((hugs)) hope he is feeling much better today
Your tea sounded lush.
I am going to look at menu's today and try and plan some different meals
Hope you have a good day
Love Jackie xxxxx
Hi Boo, really glad to hear Mr Boo is feeling better today, hope you both have a lovely weekend x
Hi Boo, I hope you had a lovely evening out - well done on resisting the wine too!