Your tea sounds lush, how did it go at the hairdressers ? bet you look all pretty for your OH, wink wink lolxx
I am thinking of taking my stuff to my local car boot sale and flogging it there, would be good to make a few extra bob. My clothes are size 22, but its expensive and in good condition, mostly from Evans, don't want to just give it to charity, would like to see if I can get some pennys for it, what I can't flog then will give that to the charity shops me thinks.
Evening Von hope you had a good day? I have to have my roots and foils done every 4 weeks :-( costs me £55 a time its mega expensive. My hair is so thick and coarse I cant buy the shop bought dyes as they dont take on my hair booooo x
Morning everyone ,
Not much happening today , it's a murky day on and off rain, so no walk in the park today
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I'm feeing lazy too, just been morrisons and bought some fruit , having pineapple , orange and a fig , for my lunch, with a cup of green tea
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I don't have pineapple but I'm having my green tea with pineapple and grapefruit flavourxx
I was going to buy a grapefruit but didn't in the end, I like the pink grapefruit ,
So no clothes sorting happened today ,
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I don't know why I'm like that Von but I'll have a super productive day, then the next day I don't want to lift a thing lol plus the weather doesn't help. I got a lot done yesterday and today I didn't even want to get out of bed. So no clothes sorting done, might do that tomorrow now. I still have some housework to do, will try and get that done at least later . I'm so hungry today, can't stop thinking about food, don't know what's wrong with me
lol. What are your plans for the rest of the day ?
I've nothing planned , might have a clean round if I can be bothered ,
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Your day sounds like mine. Did your OH comment on your lovely new hair ? xx
He did , said it looks lovely,
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God I fell asleep again, what's wrong with me I'm doing nothing and been knackered past 2 day Sent from my iPhone using MiniMinsHello hello :secret:secret sis where are you ? xx![]()
Evening Von hows you chick x
Sounds like you're copying me sleep wise. Hope you feel refreshed.God I fell asleep again, what's wrong with me I'm doing nothing and been knackered past 2 day Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins