Gold Member
Vonnie, hope your ok lovely, I'm going for my walk now, will catch up with u later xx
Hi Hun,
Sorry I posted and went ,
Chan was leaving for work and I wanted to go with him so I wasn't on my own going out as today was the first day without my crutches, I know he left me part way but at least he was there at first ,
It pulled a little but after 10 mins felt easier ,
I carried on and walked to morrisons and picked up some muller yogs , got the skinny cappuccino to try,
I also fancied some crisps , don't panic ,
I bought a pack of Special K cracker crisps , it broke my heart to spend 60p on one pack when I can get multi pk of 6 low cal crisps at poundland but I didn't want the temptation of then eating all 6 through the day , it happened in the past lol,
So that in itself is a NSV,
All in all I was out about an hour only slow walking but it's a start,
Hope your enjoying your walk we've got sunshine too here,
Catch you later Hun xxx
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