Gold Member
No not really, just had tea so I'm ok. And hopefully the willpower will last xx
I'm sure the girls must be looking forward to having you back. How is your area manager, do u get on with her ? xx
No not really, just had tea so I'm ok. And hopefully the willpower will last xx
Oh no Vonnnnnnnnnnnieguess who's in my street again ! lalalalalalalalalala I can't hear anything
Yea they are , one of them rung me the other night saying they can't wait to have me back , which was nice,
Yea area manager is really nice , but the meeting I've got in Wednesday is with regional manager as area manager started a weeks hol today , but I get on ok with her as well,
I think with being off so long it's messing with my confidence ,
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Oh no sing loud lalalalalalala
It should be illegal lol
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It's natural to feel that way because u are going back after a gap. Once u get stuck in, u will realise how much u missed it and I know u will do super and make the store your ownxx
So Vonnie what are the busy months for your trade, I've never done health and beauty, is it summer time when people buy lotions and creams more ? xx
Yea I'm not the most confident person as it is,
But like you say this is my store , if it hadn't moved I think it would be easier to slot back in but just different surroundings to get used to , the job more or less is the same
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Thanks, and I couldn't do it without the support of all my mini friends xx
Yes it will be picking up now coz obviously were a seasonal town and weekend get busy with holiday makers and hen and stag party's ,
Although since we've moved the takings have generally bumped up every week , so that's good
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Even though u gained a little this week (which I'm sure will come off in the next 2 weeks), but your still a lot slimmer then when they last saw u, and will look lovely in your smaller uniform, that will give u a big boost of confidence hunxx
Oh wow that's great news Vonnie, more bonus. I love it when the stores busy because the day goes much faster. Have they agreed to keep your days off as Mon/Tues ? xx
Yea that's right , when I was looking at my stats earlier I thought well I may have temporary lost my 8st but I'm still 1st 13lb lighter than when I last worked . Hope fully can get that bk and be well over a 2.5 loss, working towards 3st,
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Yes it does, I must admit when I'm struggling instead of wanting to run lol x