Gold Member
Have you had some nice food
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I just had a yummy healthy chicken salad
Have you had some nice food
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Yay to 3.5, that's Super Vonic level !make sure your spacing them out hun, I sometimes get the warning sign on plant nanny, do u get that ? xx
I just had a yummy healthy chicken saladbut earlier I had a plate of oven chips, whoopsie
This is my last week of carbs then next week, no carbs for the challenge !xx
Yes that's right , make the most if it ,
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I feel like I'm going to pop , my tummy is sloshing
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But I'm still trying to limit it because if I have loads this week and then have to go to zero, my body wont cope I will end up bingeing so I'm going to start cutting them out this week xx
lolmy sis said if she had a pound for everytime I go to the loo, she would be a millionaire ! hehe xx
That's the worst isn't it, I have to totally cut them especially bread I can't have it as hexb as I can't stop ,
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I've not done crunches yet , think I might be sick need to get rid of the water
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Yep I noticed whenever I eat carbs I'm hungry for rubbish all day. When I'm on the salad challenge my appetite goes and I don't get cravings, its so good to be in that zonexx
Vonnie leave them today u did 3 hours walk, that's more than made up for it in terms of cals burned. You can do some tomorrow if your up to it lovely. Whoopsie just going loo
brb xx
Yes I think I will ,
Resting on couch now lol ,
It turned into a lovely evening , went cloudy earlier now clear blue sky
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back from looall this body magic back and forth lol . Yep it really does help when the weather is nice and hot, I find drinking water easier. I'm so happy you've had 2 fab days on plan, yay ! Go super von !
Doesn't make me feel quite as cold , although I am in the couch with socks on and a duvet over me lol,
My hands are ok for once ,
Yea I'm glad I got myself sorted
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