Ladies, Ladies... what are you like?! Chatting all night when you should be away with the fairies <rollseyes> but OMG you've just had me giggling at your antics, so funny. Yvonne, I don't mind trying out MiniMins on iPad for you later as hubby has one. They are nice to use but still more limited than a laptop, I personally don't think they are a good replacement. I'm pretty good with tech stuff, without sounding big-headed, so if anything I can help with just shout or PM me? I really hope you can stay awake in your meeting! Bubble will be ok if there is a sleep race at sports day and Kay might need to borrow the Duracell bunny' batteries! I read my Kindle till about two thirty, then managed to sleep till nearly six, so that's good sleep for me. Have lovely days ladies, despite the yawns![]()
Hi, hope you managed and sleep. I use the app on my iPad and it's just like being on the phone. I like my iPad but think you need a computer as well as there are some things you can't do on an iPad. The main one be look at websites using adobe flash player. Hope your meeting goes ok
I just woke upIt's 10.30 now
I know your in that meeting room right now ... ok going to start my chants !
... thinking of you ' xx Please make it go well Please make it go well Giver her the 2 week hols Giver her the 2 week hols Hope she comes out happy . Hope she comes out happy .
Kay that made me think of you doing a rain dance for some reason think it was the chanting, lol. x hope it's going well Von xx
Hope all is well Vonnie xx
Fingers have been firmly crossed hoping that it all went well and you're happy and more relaxed![]()
Are you ok Vonnie? I hope it all went alright
Hope it went OK Von. getting anxious about you cos you'v not been back on here. Hope it's just cos you've gone straight back to Chans.
Can't see your replies von unless it's my phone xx Sent from my GT-I9195 using mobile app
Hi ladies It went we thank you all for your kind words and thoughtsI've to get a note from the dr with conditions in it , eg:- reduced hours Not using ladders Etc, I knew I had to get this from dr so that wasn't a surprise for me , She was able to give me one of my missed weeks hol , so I return to work on Monday 14th July, my nite runs out on a Friday but she doesn't want me returning in a Saturday so I'm pleased bout that aswell, Il still be a bit anxious to return but feel better for getting the meeting over with , as for sleep well I was still awake at 6.30, I'm going bk to OH tomorrow morning bruv in law taking me on his way to work , well he takes me half way then I get a train rest of way , Thanks again for all you kind words , Xxxx Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Ok will reply on here since u posted lol, so so happy u got the extra week with Chan, glad she's offered reduced hours so u can settle in slowly. It's great your not starting on a Saturday thank god. Are u happy overall with the outcome ? Will your doc help with the extra info your company requires ? xx
Monday 14th July means u have almost 3 weeks to hit your weighloss goal, you'll easily get your 8 stone plus more hun, I'm so happy for you !xx
Yea I'm happy , I think the dr will , he did suggest it before
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